Quest:Never Further From Home

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Never Further From Home
Level 15
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Any Ale Association Tavern Keep
Ends with Wesley Hopwood
Ends at Thornley's Work Site
End Region Bree-land
Map Ref [26.3S, 53.6W]
Quest Group Festival
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I've received a different sort of orders from Jónar, the head of this here society. He hates the Inn League so much that he has assigned me a rather different task than my Inn League neighbour there. Shh, he mustn't hear us!

'Wesley Hopwood at Thornley's Worksite has been heard going on and on about how he needs to try Limael's Vintage to complete the Inn League's Challenge. But he will never complete the challenge.

'Isenwine should stump him! You should purchase some Isenwine from The Prancing Pony, disguise it as Limael's Vintage, and deliver it as such. He'll be none the wiser and will think the Inn League has made the error, not him!'


You have been tasked with delivering unpleasant things to Inn League Members in need of assistance, something only a terrible <class> would do.

Objective 1

Isenwine, the decoy for Limael's Vintage, can be obtained at The Prancing Pony in Bree.

You should head to The Prancing Pony and collect some Isenwine from Barliman Butterbur, which you will deliver to Wesley Hopwood under the guise of Limael's Vintage.

Barliman Butterbur: 'You would like some Isenwine? That is we.., for I have a great deal of Isenwine in the house at the moment. It has been a slow year....
'I find that Isenwine sells best during the autumn, but I've not the slightest idea why. Wine is a good drink for the hearth when the weather starts to turn cool. Perhaps that is the reason.
'What was it you wanted again? Things are so things just drives out another!'

Objective 2

Wesley Hopwood is at Thornley's Worksite in Bree.

You should bring the Isenwine, cleverly disguised as Limael's Vintage, to Wesley Hopwood. He needs the latter wine to complete the Inn League Challenge.

Wesley Hopwood: 'You have it! I cannot believe it. Give that here, and I will drink it up, and then I'll complete the challenge and earn my reward!'
Wesley Hopwood drinks the Isenwine, but then pauses with a rather confused expression on his face.
'How odd...normally I'd have my title by now. I wonder what's holding it up. Perhaps some sort of clerical error? I should get my title! I'll have words with those hobbits! Do I have to wait for another festival to come around before I can get the title I earned? This is not fair!'