Quest:Disruption at Barad Nemorn

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Disruption at Barad Nemorn
Level 100
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape Quest
Starts at Tuntham
Start Region South Ithilien
Ends with Arodor
Ends at Faramir's Lookout
End Region South Ithilien
Map Ref [65.1S, 6.2W]
Quest Chain Tuntham
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

The cairn placed by the Rangers points to a hidden Morgul Orc encampment. You wonder what the enemy might be planning, tucked away as they are on the Morgulduin. Perhaps it would be best to go to Barad Nemorn and investigate.

Barad Nemorn is a challenging camp. While quests within can be completed alone, it is recommend you venture to Barad Nemorn with a friend.


A cairn set by Rangers points towards a hidden Orc encampment with an unknown purpose.

Objective 1

  • Disrupt the forces gathered at Barad Nemorn

Barad Nemorn is located near where the Morgulduin meets the Anduin in Southern Ithilien.

You should enter the Morgul camp at Barad Nemorn to discover what the Orcs there are plotting.

Upon entering Barad Nemorn you notice a number of ways you could disrupt the Morgul forces

Objective 2

Barad Nemorn is located near where the Morgulduin meets the Anduin in Southern Ithilien.

You should destroy any orders from Minus Morgul in Barad Nemorn, and do anything else you can to thwart the enemy's plans.

The orders you find bear the mark of Minas Morgul, a skeletal crescent moon

Objective 3

  • Take the orders to Arodor

Faramir's Lookout is located southeast of Osgiliath.

You should give the orders you found in Barad Nemorn to a Ranger at Faramir's Lookout.

Arodor: 'Let's see what these orders say.'
Arodor reads the orders, growing uneasy.
'The forces gathered there were waiting for a signal from Osgiliath to cross the river and march towards Minas Tirith. Well! This will be one less enemy the Steward of Gondor must concern himself with!'