Ledge of Terror

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Ledge of Terror
Region: The Plateau of Gorgoroth
Area: Nargroth
Location: [16.4N, 14.5E]


The Ledge of Terror is a landmark within Nargroth on the Plateau of Gorgoroth. [16.4N, 14.5E]

This platform is at the end of Nargroth's southern wing. Two Lesser Regmyl guard the entrance, on the west side, while another Lesser Rogmul patrols around and between them. [16.4N, 14.3E] There are two sculptures, each being prayed to by a Ghâsh-hai Defiler. On the furthest side is an ornate pillar guarded by another Lesser Rogmul and prayed to by two Defilers. Destroying this pillar will summon Nargúr.


The following deeds can be advanced by visiting this location:




The following creatures are found within this area:
