Ledge of Dread

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Ledge of Dread
Region: The Plateau of Gorgoroth
Area: Nargroth
Location: [17.9N, 14.2E]


The Ledge of Dread is a landmark within Nargroth on the Plateau of Gorgoroth. [17.9N, 14.2E]

This platform is at the end of Nargroth's northern wing. A Lesser Rogmul and a Ghâsh-hai Leader guard the entrance, on the west side. [17.9N, 14.0E] There are two sculptures, each being prayed to by a Ghâsh-hai Defiler. On the furthest side is a volcanic vent guarded by another Lesser Rogmul and prayed to by two Defilers. Destroying this vent will summon Dúrossul.


The following deeds can be advanced by visiting this location:




The following creatures are found within this area:
