Gate of Shadows

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Gate of Shadows
Type: Gate
Region: Angmar
Area: Rhunendin
Location: [12.1N, 29.5W]


Gate of Shadows is a landmark within Rhunendin in Angmar. [12.1N, 29.5W]

This is the eastern gate to the fortress city of Carn Dûm as well as the orc stronghold of Urugarth. The imposing gate imposes a sense of dread and terror to those who dwell near it.

Note: The  Gates of Carn Dûm Key is required to bypass this gate and reach the areas beyond.




The following deeds can be obtained by visiting this location:



The Gate of Shadows is the vast outer gate of the fortress city of Carn Dûm. Stories abound of the horrors within, but here far from the war the small town settled around the gate might seem almost commonplace were it not for the symbols of Angmar’s power upon every street and tower. The harsh countenance upon the faces of the guards suggests that they brook no hint of rebellion or expression from the citizenry that runs contrary to the wishes of the False King. — Deed Text


A view of the gate from the bottom of the ramp that leads to it