Duvárdain Quarter

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Duvárdain Quarter is a landmark within Carn Dûm in Angmar. [11.7N, 34.4W]

Fast path if you have the Iron Grate Key: after entering the instance go down the ramp to the left until you get to the first Iron Grate. Kill the three mobs and open the gate. Now you are into the tunnels, take the first branch to the left and go up the staircase. Kill Sálvakh and open the door, on the left there is the path to Azgoth, take the path to the right through the arch and up a ramp.

If you don't have the Iron Grate Key, you should follow the boss sequence until Azgoth.


This is a place where your normal travels through Carn Dûm will not take you. High and lighted houses stand here, being the home of the Duvárdain of Carn Dûm. It is situated in the open air, not far from the castle.