Whitethorn's Taxidermy

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Whitethorn's Taxidermy
Region: Bree-land
Settlement: Bree
Location: [30.3S, 52.4W]

Whitethorn's Taxidermy is a trophy shop in Bree. [30.3S, 52.4W]

The Exterior of Whitethorn's Taxidermy

The Taxidermy is found at the eastern side of the street between the Stone Quarter and the West Gate. The family store is owned and run by Clar Whitethorn together with his sons and an intern. Here visitors can barter fishing and instance trophies for housing trophies. For details on trophies see the taxidermists individually.


NPC Function
Bill Whitethorn Collector
Clar Whitethorn Taxidermist
Stev Whitethorn Taxidermist
Elmo Whitbread Fishing Taxidermist


