Warg Racial Traits

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Warg Racial Traits
Name Description Rank Price
 Four-legged Foe Increases your run speed, stealthed movement speed, and Evade rating. 2 1,000 Commendation 
 Racial Skill: Pack Hunters Grants the skill Pack Hunters, which changes depending on your stance. 3 1,000 Commendation 
 Pack Mentality Increases your Parry, Evade and Resistance ratings. 3 1,000 Commendation 
 Pack Elder Increases your Physical Mitigation. 4 1,000 Commendation 
 Racial Skill: Howl of Unnerving Grants the skill Howl of Unnerving 4 1,000 Commendation 
 Foe of the Light Increases your Tactical Mitigation and Stealth Level. 5 1,000 Commendation 
 Pack Leader Increases your Physical Mastery, and Critical and Finesse ratings. 5 1,000 Commendation