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Slots for Virtues

Virtues are a type of trait that characters can gain in Lotro. Virtues grant bonuses to stats and are an important part of improving your character.

Each Virtue grants bonuses to 3 different stats. The first stat listed on the tooltip grants the largest bonus, the next grants a somewhat smaller bonus, and the last stat listed on the tooltip grants the smallest bonus. In order to gain the stat bonuses for a Virtue it must be slotted by double-clicking it or dragging it to the top bar in the Virtue page of the Trait Tree Panel (which by default is accessed by the j key).

All Virtues also grant a small passive stat bonus (either to Maximum Morale or Physical and Tactical Mastery) even if they are not slotted.
(Note: even when you don't have any rank at all then you still get rank 1 passives.)

Virtue slots are unlocked as you level up:

Slot Unlocked at Level
1 7
2 9
3 11
4 17
5 23

Slotted Virtues are tied to each Trait build (specified using the numbered tabs on the right side of the Trait Tree Panel). Therefore players can have unique Virtue builds that accompany their Class Trait builds. Note that Trait builds can be switched at any time while out of combat.

To determine which Virtues provide the most benefit for each class and role, consult the following pages:

Stat progressions on Virtues are of the item type. Therefore, virtues behave much like items with item levels. The amount of stat points contained in each virtue is roughly equal to half of somewhere between an incomparable ~ epic item.
Virtue ranks are not straight equal to the item level used for producing the stats. For this a lookup is done into an internal table, which translates rank to item level. You can find these item levels in the table further below.

Ranking up Virtues

A Virtue marked as Earning

To increase the stat bonuses provided by Virtues, you must increase their rank. Virtues gain ranks when players acquire Virtue Experience ("Virtue XP") as a reward for completing a deed, certain repeatable quests, or Featured Instances. Only one Virtue can be ranked up at a time - the Virtue that is specified as Earning in the Virtue panel. To mark a Virtue as Earning, click it such that the text 'Earning' appears in green below the Virtue name.

A Virtue Maxed Out Alert

The current maximum rank achievable for Virtues was raised to 94 on 6th November 2024 with Update 42. The next Virtue Tier increase from 94 to 96 has not been announced yet. However, the effective maximum rank is also based on a cap dictated by character level and the lowest of the two caps counts.

Character Level Rank Cap by Level
5-110 Level/2 (rounded down)
111-139 Level-55
140 Level-54 (86)
141-149 Level-53
150 Level-52 (98)

The next Virtue cap increase is currently unknown.

If you gain Virtue XP while your Earning Virtue is capped then the Virtue XP will go instead to a Virtue which is not capped in this order:

  1. A slotted Virtue in your current build from left to right.
  2. The lowest ranked Virtue and in case of multiple equally ranked - in alphabetical order.

The following table lists the amount of Virtue XP required for each rank (and resulting stats item levels):

Rank VirtueXP Rank VirtueXP Total Virtue ILvl Rank VirtueXP Rank VirtueXP Total Virtue ILvl Rank VirtueXP Rank VirtueXP Total Virtue ILvl Rank VirtueXP Rank VirtueXP Total Virtue ILvl
1 1,000 1,000 4 25 1,300 28,000 52 49 1,800 65,300 190 73 2,200 113,600 421
2 1,000 2,000 6 26 1,300 29,300 54 50 1,800 67,100 210 74 2,200 115,800 426
3 1,000 3,000 8 27 1,400 30,700 56 51 1,800 68,900 222 75 2,200 118,000 431
4 1,000 4,000 10 28 1,400 32,100 58 52 1,800 70,700 236 76 2,200 120,200 436
5 1,000 5,000 12 29 1,400 33,500 60 53 1,800 72,500 260 77 2,200 122,400 441
6 1,000 6,000 14 30 1,400 34,900 62 54 1,900 74,400 276 78 2,200 124,600 446
7 1,000 7,000 16 31 1,400 36,300 64 55 1,900 76,300 292 79 2,300 126,900 451
8 1,000 8,000 18 32 1,500 37,800 66 56 1,900 78,200 300 80 2,300 129,200 456
9 1,000 9,000 20 33 1,500 39,300 68 57 1,900 80,100 308 81 2,300 131,500 461
10 1,000 10,000 22 34 1,500 40,800 70 58 1,900 82,000 316 82 2,300 133,800 466
11 1,100 11,100 24 35 1,500 42,300 72 59 1,900 83,900 324 83 2,300 136,100 471
12 1,100 12,200 26 36 1,500 43,800 74 60 2,000 85,900 332 84 2,300 138,400 476
13 1,100 13,300 28 37 1,500 45,300 76 61 2,000 87,900 340 85 2,400 140,800 481
14 1,100 14,400 30 38 1,600 46,900 78 62 2,000 89,900 348 86 2,400 143,200 486
15 1,100 15,500 32 39 1,600 48,500 88 63 2,100 92,000 356 87 2,400 145,600 491
16 1,200 16,700 34 40 1,600 50,100 98 64 2,100 94,100 364 88 2,400 148,000 496
17 1,200 17,900 36 41 1,600 51,700 108 65 2,100 96,200 372 89 2,400 150,400 501
18 1,200 19,100 38 42 1,600 53,300 118 66 2,100 98,300 380 90 2,400 152,800 506
19 1,200 20,300 40 43 1,700 55,000 128 67 2,100 100,400 388 91 2,500 155,300 511
20 1,200 21,500 42 44 1,700 56,700 138 68 2,200 102,600 396 92 2,500 157,800 516
21 1,300 22,800 44 45 1,700 58,400 148 69 2,200 104,800 401 93 2,500 160,300 521
22 1,300 24,100 46 46 1,700 60,100 158 70 2,200 107,000 406 94 2,500 162,800 526
23 1,300 25,400 48 47 1,700 61,800 168 71 2,200 109,200 411
24 1,300 26,700 50 48 1,700 63,500 178 72 2,200 111,400 416

Virtue / Stat Comparison Matrix

The following table illustrates which Virtues provide which stat bonuses.

Virtue Stats (values at Rank 94)
Agility Armour CritDef CritRtg Evade Fate Finesse ICMR IHR Morale Power Might PMR PMit Resist TMR TMit Vitality Will Passive
Charity 4236 19653 569 Morale
Compassion 1357 8472 4236 Morale
Confidence 10895 4581 7268 Mastery
Determination 1,930 3271 4241 Mastery
Discipline 7268 2544 19653 Morale
Empathy 4525 7268 5887 Morale
Fidelity 2544 8472 948 Morale
Fortitude 7268 8130 5887 Morale
Honesty 3271 8477 966 Mastery
Honour 4363 8130 4236 Morale
Idealism 1,596 7268 2440 Morale
Innocence 8472 9834 2544 Morale
Justice 162.6 4067 2544 Morale
Loyalty 2265 4363 1,901 Morale
Mercy 15286 798 569 Morale
Patience 3271 7633 1277.061 Morale
Tolerance 2544 9834 8472 Morale
Valour 3271 7268 8477 Mastery
Wisdom 4363 4241 1,930 Mastery
Wit 5450 14573 2544 2544 Mastery
Zeal 3271 1,930 4241 Mastery

Note: Cells in the table are colour-coded as follows:

High Value Virtue Medium Value Virtue Low value Virtue

For a complete list of all stat values for all ranks for each Virtue, see the Virtue page.

Best Virtues by Stat

The following table lists the best Virtues to slot for each stat. High value virtues provide the highest value for the stat, while medium and low value virtues provide lesser values.

Stat High Value Virtues Medium Value Virtues Low Value Virtues
Agility Determination
Armour Value Empathy Loyalty Compassion
Critical Defence Empathy, Fortitude Honour
Critical Rating Confidence Wit Determination, Honesty, Patience, Valour, Zeal
Evade Rating Mercy Patience Confidence
Fate Idealism Mercy
Finesse Rating Wit Confidence, Valour Wisdom
in-Combat Morale Regen Justice
Incoming Healing Rating Discipline, Idealism Loyalty
Maximum Morale Fortitude, Honour Justice Idealism
Maximum Power Patience
Might Zeal
Physical Mastery Rating Valour Determination, Zeal Wit
Physical Mitigation Compassion, Innocence Charity Discipline, Fidelity, Tolerance
Resistance Rating Charity, Discipline Innocence, Tolerance Empathy, Fortitude
Tactical Mastery Rating Honesty Wisdom Wit
Tactical Mitigation Fidelity, Tolerance Compassion, Honour Innocence, Justice
Vitality Loyalty Fidelity Charity, Mercy
Will Wisdom Honesty

Virtue-boosting Racial Traits

In addition, there are certain Racial Traits which add 1 rank to each of 3 given virtues, if this trait is slotted as a Racial Trait.

These are either awarded by reputation factions or a designated class quest.

Faction / Quest Award / Deed Trait +1 Virtues
Dwarf Friend of Thorin's Hall  Award of Dwarf Virtue  Virtuous Dwarf  Fidelity  Honesty  Loyalty
Elf Friend of Elves of Rivendell  Award of Elven Virtue  Virtuous Elf  Charity  Patience  Wisdom
Hobbit Friend of the Mathom Society  Award of Hobbit Virtue  Virtuous Hobbit  Empathy  Honesty  Idealism
Man Friend of the Men of Bree  Award of Men's Virtue  Virtuous Man  Confidence  Justice  Patience
Beorning [30] Hatred of Bear and Man -  Virtuous Beorning  Fortitude  Empathy  Honour
High Elf Friend of the Galadhrim -  Virtuous High Elf  Wisdom  Confidence  Justice
Stout-axe Friend of Thorin's Hall Guest of Thorin's Hall  Virtuous Stout-axe  Wit  Determination  Fortitude
River Hobbit Friend of the Eglain Friend of the Forsaken  Virtuous River Hobbit  Innocence  Mercy  Wit

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