Current Status
- Start Here: User:Magill/ToDo
- Telephone support for LOTRO was discontinued on 6 June 2016
Turbine Support: 1-855-WBGAMES (1-855-924-2637) or 1-781-407-4020 (
English Account/Store Support is available from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm, Monday to Thursday and 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM Friday. (GMT -5). 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)
GNU Terry Pratchett
12 March 2015 BBC: Web servers enrolled in Pratchett tribute --
The important part of "Going Postal." --
27 December 2021
How do you access these lists for editing?
9 November 2014
- Update 15 - Gondor Aflame
- Recently, I've been playing a female Beorning - Valanne. So I haven't been in-game on my main toons - Valamar and Valdicta.
- Which means I haven't been to Central Gondor other than during the Beta.
- It is slow-going as I'm acquiring "knowledge" for the Wiki as I go along.
- Virtually every level-up causes me to spend a day updating "what changed" on the Wiki.
- (Not to mention getting rid of those bloody Festival and Hobnanigans pop-ups.)
- It seems that for every 4-6 hours (wall-clock time) I spend in game, I spend a similar or longer amount of time Editing!
- A lot of the time editing is spent "catching up" with things that Turbine has changed in some "recent" update.
- And boy are there a lot of them -- and fewer and fewer editors on the Wiki. It's a good thing Turbine has fewer Devs -- means fewer changes :(
- I haven't run the "starter areas" in "forever." I.e. especially Bree, and I know I will hit the same issue (masssive updates to content) as I move on to the Lone Lands, Trollshaws and Misty Mountains, areas which Turbine recently "revisited." And I haven't run the deeds in the Shire or Ered Luin, yet! (Have to get those virtues up.)
- "So much time, so little to do -- strike that, reverse it..."
- The "nice thing" about U15 has been the fact that I haven't crashed with the Mac Client yet!!!
- Historically, I've been able to get only about 45-75 minutes playing time with the Mac Client before some timer runs out and I get a crash-to-desktop.
- What has made this particularly interesting is that I know there has been a significant difference in "playing time" between the Old-world and the New...
- "Old world" is those parts of the game existent before Riders of Rohan Vs. those created after it.
- Bree was the wild-card for a while. ScaryCrow did a major update of Bree using the "new technology" from Riders of Rohan, and for a while it seemed to be just as crash prone as Rohan. But that seems to have changed.
- Is it because of Yosemite, Apple's most recent update to OSX? Or is it something that Turbine has done? Since neither vendor communicates with their clients, it's all conjecture based on "the complainers" -- i.e. those who post on the forums!
- Things are "curioser and curioser."
- Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC - talk 15:42, 9 November 2014 (UTC)
8 August 2014
Sigh. My "Keyboard cat" decided I wasn't paying enough attention to her and threw-up on my keyboard while I was out to dinner.
- So now I'm reduced to using my iPad till a new one arrives from Logitech.
At least she gave me an excuse to spend the money to upgrade to a G105 :)
27 November 2013
Well, I think I'm "mostly" moved in to my new apartment. Still have boxes to unpack, but my Internet seems to be a solid 30x5 meg or so (Comcast), and the cats seem happy.
28 October 2013
Talk about bad timing -- When your number comes up.... I am preparing to move into a retirement community on the 15th of November. At the moment, I don't know what my Internet connectivity will be. Hopefully, I'll know more next week. But in any case, I'll be off the net completely for some period of time around the 15th.
I will be off-line beginning tonight for ?hopefully? only a few days, but definitely until at least the 19th or 20th. Have to wait for my new internet connection.
About Me
Hi, Bill Magill here.

| ||
| ||
Now living in Elizabethtown, PA,
- I'm a long time AD&D player (Yes, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons -- from TSR, before they were bought by Wizards of the Coast).
- The world I play in began on the fifth of November in the year 1983!
- I maintain our Chronicles on-line. "George's world".
- I began play Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO) when Turbine first announced it back in about 2004.
- As member of the Old Timers Guild on DDO (our name is in the Fountain), I was invited into the pre-beta for LOTRO... and never left. That was back in 2007.
- A Founder and Lifetime LOTRO player I have found it to be a fun game and the OTG a fun Kinship.
- The OTG got to be one of the largest guilds (as we called them in the beginning) on Gladden and in LOTRO in the early years -- we hit Turbine's level cap within about six months.
- Since a lot of us are Crafters, we split into a second Kinship - The Old TIme Crafters (OTC). I have toons in both.
- Wm Magill - Valamar - OTG/OTC 23:37, 31 May 2011 (EDT)
- Send me email.
edit break
- mumble://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@[SERVER ADDRESS]:[PORT]/?version=1.2.0
- [mumble:// mumble://]
- [mumble:// mumble://]
- mumble
- #Lotro-wiki magill
- /msg NickServ identify <password>
- Talk_Pages_Watchlist
- User:Magill-bot - User_talk:Magill-bot
- Start Here: User:Magill/ToDo
Projects-Index Transclusion Edit Break
Transclusion: User:Magill/Projects-Index
This page, (User:Magill), exists because I can't figure out how to do an "ls of User:Magill"...
- User:Magill -- home page
- User:Magill/ToDo Start Here
- User:Magill/Projects-Index -- this page
- The top of the Wiki - Root Category Pages
- Wiki Main Page - Wiki Category Pages
Category LotRO-Wiki not found
- User:Magill/Category-tree - Reference (ALL LOTRO-Wiki Categories, Images, Boilerplates, Templates)
- Category:User Magill Images - Images local to Magill
- User:Magill/Project-Documentation#test_a_tool - Sub pages listing - {{Special:PrefixIndex/User:Magill/}}
- Documentation for Category Tree:
- User:Magill/Editing - misc information Editing technique reminders and pointers
- User:Magill/Sandbox-6-help-Graphics - Assorted graphics information intended to become "Help: Graphics" someday
- User:Magill/Editing - Image syntax
- User:Magill/Sandbox-stubs - all "stubs" tags
- [[User:Magill/vector.js]] -- private javascript page (should be empty)
- User:Magill/vector.css -- private CSS page (should be empty)
- User:Eleazaros/tagger.js
- User:Eleazaros/Skins
- User:Magill/project-understanding-css
- MediaWiki:Common.css
- MediaWiki:Common.js - master java script page
- MediaWiki:Lord of the tooltips.js - master java script page for Tooltips
SSG (Turbine)
- User:Magill/Reference-Releases - Reference - A chronological listing (Index) of Release and Patch Notices
- User:Magill/Reference-Diaries - Reference - A chronological listing (Index) of Developer Diaries related to Releases
- User:Magill/Reference-Diaries (content) - Reference - The text of various Developer Diaries (Articles) related to Releases
- User:Magill/Reference-Epic-index -- Reference - and index to the Epic: Tracking the Rangers as they move south
- A Brief History of Time According to Sapience
- I don't think it means what you think it means
- User:Magill/Reference-'Hobbit' Lawsuit Settlement
- User:Magill/Reference-Game-tech - Reference - A collection of technical info on game world construction.
- User:Magill/Reference-Graphics notes - Reference - A collection of notes on LOTRO Graphics and settings
- User:Magill/Reference-Keymap notes - Reference - a collection of notes on keymapping and the G105 keyboard Macros.
- User:Magill/Reference-easter-eggs - Reference - Fun things of Lore and Easter Eggs planted by the Devs.
LOTRO-Wiki projects
The Great Documentation Project
- User:Magill/Project-Documentation -- overall index to Documentation, Help and Lotro-Wiki cleanup
- User:Magill/Sandbox-Create a region
- User:Magill/Project-Documentation common parameters
- User:Magill/Project-Documentation-Template-doc
Template projects
- User:Magill/Sandbox-Quest Log - proposed revision
- User:Magill/Sandbox-tooltip-update - Template:Item Tooltip update
- User:Sethladan/Template Notes
- User:Magill/Sandbox-Template Notes - Sethladan's score box
Quest cleanup
Misc projects
- User:Magill/Sandbox-lorebook-tag
- User: Magill/Sandbox-scratch - misc notes
- User: Magill/Sandbox-scratch-1 - Empty
- User: Magill/Sandbox-scratch-2 - need to fix Template: Unsigned
- User: Magill/Sandbox-scratch-3 - Empty
- User: Magill/Sandbox-scratch-4 - Crafted Lvl 115 Bows
- User: Magill/Sandbox-Other Outputs - template expirementation
- User: Magill/Sandbox-Mac-keymap-file - ~/Library/Application\ Support/com.turbine.lotroclient/keymap.file
- User: Taz/Scratchpad-lotro.keymap Reference -
Stuff to remember
- World Instances Guideline
- User: Magill/OTG notes
- Talk_Pages_Watchlist - controls display of items in Special:RecentChangesLinked/Talk_Pages_Watchlist|"Recent discussions"
- User: Magill/Sandbox - Top down Categories.
Python Wikipedia Robot Framework [1] -> Pywikipediabot [2] -> Pywikipedia [3] -> Pywikibot [4] -> pwb
- User:Magill-bot - User_talk:Magill-bot
- Category: Magill's Corner Bot
- Category: Bots - community rights and privileges
- Pywikipediabot manual at
- apply to: Skill/Effect/Trait
- {{Template: Skill}} Template: Skill
- {{Template: Effect}} Template: Effect
- {{Template: Trait}} Template: Trait
- {{Template: Relic}} Template: Relic
__NOTOC__<onlyinclude>{{Skill | mode={{{mode|}}} | arg={{{arg|}}} | amount={{{amount|}}} | name = | disambigpage = {{subst:FULLPAGENAME}} | icon = -icon
{{:Master (skill)|Master|mode=imlink}}
style="text-align:left;"| -- style="text-align:center;"| -- style="text-align:right;"|
|- | 76 || |- | 77 || |- | 78 || |- | 79 || |- | 80 || |- | 81 || |- | 82 || |- | 83 || |- | 84 || |- | 85 || |-
Character Games
- User:Magill/Sandbox-Council - 2013 Players Council
- User:Magill/Toons-Hunter-1A - Hunter Stance info
old - before loss of
- User:Magill/Sandbox-4 Character (xml return from
- User:Magill/Sandbox-4A - original template and
- User:Magill/Sandbox-4B - alternate version test data
- User:Magill/Sandbox-4C - All calls to
- User:Magill/Sandbox-4D - stat table boiler plates
- User:Magill/Sandbox-4E - stat table boiler plates -- Guilds
- User:Magill/Sandbox-5A - list of stats.
- User:Magill/Sandbox-5AT - new template
- User:Magill/Sandbox-5B
- User:Magill/Sandbox-5C - playing ideas
- User:Magill/Toons-Val
- User:Magill/Toons-Valalin
- User:Magill/Toons-Valamar
- User:Magill/Toons-Valdicta
- User:Magill/Toons-Valhad
- User:Magill/Toons-Valhohun
- User:Magill/Toons-Valkeeper
- User:Magill/Toons-Valwood
Gladden irmagill
Other servers
- User:Magill/Toons-Valtar - Gilrain
- User:Magill/Toons-Vallie - Landroval
Gladden armagill
- User:Magill/Toons-Valend - F2P - Gladden
- Category:Crafting
- Category:Crafting_Recipes
- -- Crafting Project page
Armour set stuff
- The Great River (Anduin) Jewellery Set Comparisons
- [[User: Magill/Projects-Understanding "Proc"]] - someday, yet another thing to document...
- Comparison of Hunter Armour Sets - in progress
Crafting projects
- User:Magill/Projects-Crafting-1 - Crafting stuff
- User:Magill/Projects-Crafting-2 - Crafted Relics
- User:Magill/Projects-Crafting-3 - Crafted Relics - spare parts
- User:Magill/Projects-Crafting-4 - update Crafting titles
- User:Magill/Projects-Crafting-5 - U10 crafted jewelry stuff
- User:Magill/Projects-Crafting-6 - Table of trophys needed for 1st/2nd age crafting
- User:Magill/Projects-Crafting-7 - Essence crafting
- User:Magill/Projects-Crafting-9 - Comparison of Crafted Pocekt Items from Update 21+ -- Comparison of Crafted, Level 115, Pocket Items
Regular changes needed for every Update/Expansion
Update 4 - Return of Isengard (ROI) Expansion
- User:Magill/Projects-Update 04-ROI-update - Reference - Rise of Isengard Update projects
- * User:Magill/Projects-Update 04-ROI-Bonevales Quest gating - Reference
- * User:Magill/Projects-Update 04-ROI-Trum Dreng Quest gating- Reference
- * User:Magill/Projects-Update 04-ROI-Galtreve Quest gating - Reference
- * User:Magill/Projects-Update 04-ROI-Tâl Methedras gating- Reference
- * User:Magill/Projects-Update 04-ROI-Starkmoor gating- Reference
- * User:Magill/Projects-Update 04-ROI-Dunbog gating- Reference
- * User:Magill/Projects-Update 04-ROI-Carreglyn gating- Reference
- * User:Magill/Projects-Update 04-ROI-Graven wood gating- Reference
- * User:Magill/Projects-Update 04-ROI-Forthbrond gating- Reference
- * User:Magill/Projects-Update 04-ROI-Grimbold's Camp gating- Reference
- * User:Magill/Projects-Update 04-ROI-Nan Curunir - reference
Update 18
Update 22: Strongholds of the North
- User:Magill/Sandbox-U22 - Notes
- User:Magill/Sandbox-U22 - Maps
- User:Magill/Sandbox-U22 - High enchanger barter
- User:Magill/Sandbox-U22 - test - do these quest line names make sense.
Update 23: Where Dragons Dwell
Mac Client
Mac Client Related Information With the release of the LOTRO Mac Client (Beta Version) there are many overlapping areas of information between First time users and on-going activities. The information is split to improve readability.
- Mac Client
- Akamai Installation
- Graphics information
- Problem resolution information! Mac Client Communications notes - Port Forwarding, UDP and other notes
- Problem resolution information! General Trouble Shooting Techniques
- File Locations - Where files reside and where you need to put things like Plugins, Skins and Music files.
- Messages - Screenshots of various messages generated by the Mac Client and an attempt to intuit their meanings and explain them.
- Known Issues -- A compilation of known problems with the Mac client.
- Gatekeeper Information -- Screenshots of Apple's Gatekeeper control panels and instructions.
- Mac Client Beta Client Information
- Mac Client Keyboards
- Release by release
- Instructions for moving the Splash Screens
- Steam Installation - Steam Installation notes
- Happy Cloud Installation - a description of the Happy Cloud Installer obsolete
- User:Magill/Mac-Client-scratch - notes, WIP, etc.
- User:Magill/Mac-Client-ABC-notes - some notes on ABC notation
Archive stuff
- User:Magill/talk-archive-1 Talk Archive
- User:Magill/Projects-History-1 - historical stuff
- User:Magill/Sandbox-8 traveling/wafaring/mustering - done)
- User:Magill/Sandbox-8A travel- stable points - done)
- User:Magill/Lua - Assorted notes used to create Lua pages done)
- User:Magill/Wikifauna stuff
- -- Turn on Atom/RSS feed for My Watchlist -- Safari 6.0 no longer supports RSS)
Lua Stuff
- User:Magill/Lua - Assorted notes used to create Lua pages done)
- Lua Scripting Writing Lua Plugin Scripts
- Lua Plugins Using Lua Plugins
- Plugins /Plugins, the in-game Command
- Plugin manager The Turbine Plugin Manager
Pages related to the Lua Plugin Interface in LOTRO.
Lua Articles on Lotro-Wiki |
- PluginManager Cearbhall
- Lotro Compendium (the pLugin)
- Tonic Bars NuclearTonic
- BuffBars Pengoros
- LOTRO Plugin Compendium (Mac / Linux)
- LOTRO Plugin Compendium
- Travel Window D.H1cks
- Alt Inventory Garan
- MoorMap Garan
- Combat Analysis Evendale
- Lotro Compendium the database project
Magill's toons: insert of User:Magill/Toons
WHMagill (Founder/Lifetime)
ARMagill (F2P)
Character | Race | Class | Lvl | Vocation | Tier Level | Guild Level | Rank | Kin World |
Creation date | Tools |
Valend (F2P) | Dwarf | Hunter | 15 | Explorer | Gladden | 04/30/2012 | ||||
Valhad (F2P) | Elf | Lore-master | 9 | Explorer | Landroval | 2014 | ||||
IRMagill (Lifetime)
Character | Race | Class | Lvl | Vocation | Tier Level | Guild Level | Rank | Kin World |
Creation date | Tools |
Ninth * Favour of the Mearas * * |
Man | Warden | 66 | Armsman | Eastemnet Master Woodworker Eastemnet Prospector Eastemnet Master Weaponsmith |
Weaponsmith's Guild Eastemnet Master of the Guild |
OTG Gladden |
08/26/2007 | ![]() | |
Valanne * World Renowned * Ambassador to the Elves * |
Beorning | Beorning | 105 | Explorer | Westemnet Master Tailor Westemnet Master Forester Anórien Prospector |
Tailor's Guild Westemnet Master of the Guild |
OTG Gladden |
11/15/2014 | ![]() | |
Valhunt * Favour of the Mearas * * |
Dwarf | Hunter | 71 | Explorer | Eastemnet Master Tailor Eastemnet Master Forester Eastemnet Master Prospector |
Tailor's Guild Eastemnet Master of the Guild |
OTG Gladden |
09/02/2009 | ![]() | |
Valtinthorn * Gift of the Valar * * |
Elf | Minstrel | 50 | Explorer | Master Journeyman Tailor Apprentice Forester Prospector |
Gladden |
2014 | ![]() | ||
The table above is in colors by account. All columns are sortable except Guild Level.
Color key Cyan WHMagill LightGrey Uncommon LightGreen F2P - ARMagill Orange IRMagill
- Colour of an items' text and icon indicate quality.
Icon | Text | Quality |
![]() |
![]() |
Common |
![]() |
![]() |
Uncommon |
![]() |
![]() |
Rare |
![]() |
![]() |
Incomparable |
![]() |
![]() |
Epic |
- /shortcut 13 /shakefist shakes their fist at ;target and yells 'Get Off My Lawn!'
- 9th Anniversary Gift /Blue_orb
- OTG Bree-land Kinship House - 8 Long Street - Uxbridge - Breeland Homesteads - Gladden
- OTC Bree-land Kinship House - 5 Long Street - Uxbridge - Breeland Homesteads - Gladden
- Valamar Bree-land Deluxe House - 2 High Road - Fincrag - Breeland Homesteads - Gladden - WHMagill
- Valamar Cape of Belfalas Deluxe Premium House - 4 Bay Road - Farador, Belfalas Homesteads - WhMagill
- Valhunt Personal House - 1 Stonemirk Street - Metorthá - Thorin's Halls Homesteads - Gladden - IRMagill
Key Ring
Val | ||
Barrows Gate Key | Skull Key | Gates of Carn Dûm Key |
Valamar | ||
Garth Agarwen Gate Key | Gates of Carn Dûm Key | High Pass Gate Key |
Skull Key | Steel Key | |
Valanne | ||
Garth Agarwen Gate Key | Gates of Carn Dûm Key | High Pass Gate Key |
Event Costumes
Black Corsair Eyepatch | ||
Learned Emotes
Val | ||||
/Counterfeit (Coin Bite) | /Rich (Coin Throw) | Emote: Golf Chip | xx | yy |
/Orb_blue | ||||
/dance /dance1 /dance2 /dance3 |
/dance_man /dance_man2 /dance_man3 |
/dance_elf /dance_elf2 /dance_elf3 |
/dance_hobbit /dance_hobbit2 /dance_hobbit3 |
/dance_dwarf /dance_dwarf2 /dance_dwarf3 |
Valamar | ||||
/Dance_jig | /Dance_Elf2 | /Dance_dwarf | ||
Valanne | ||||
Emote: Golf Chip |
Instrument Knowledge (Val)
Mentoring Skills | ||
Clarinet | Horn | Cowbell |
Theorbo | Flute | Pibgorn |
Bagpipes | Drums | |
Instruments | ||
Bagpipes Use | Basic Cowbell Use | Clarinet Use |
Drum Use | Flute Use | Harp Use |
Horn Use | Lute Use | Moor Cowbell Use |
Pibgorn Use | Theorbo Use |
Transclusion of (User:Magill) ends here.
End Projects-Index Transclusion Break
Turbine pointers
- Dev Diaries:
WB acquisition
- Acquisition announcement date: 20 April 2010
- story -- several quotes.
- Boston Globe
- Uch Gwirod ... the Dunlendings' name for Munfaeril the Ox-spirit.
The Hobbit
Release date 14 December 2012
- Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit Blog" -
- Production video #1 (HD)
- Production Video #2 (HD) 8 July 2011
- Production Video #3 (HD) 20 July 2011
- Production Video #4 (HD) 4 November 2011 (3D technology)
- Production Video #5 (HD) 23 December 2011
- Production Video #6 (HD) 1 March 2012
- Production Video #7 6 June 2012
- The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey trailer -
- The official movie website -- autoloads the trainler -
- An interesting commentary on the Trailer from -
- It explains various scenes which are mixed throughout the trailer... the trailer is not in time-line sequence...
- The two commentators read the books a long time ago... it's amusing to catch their comments... particularly in the reference to Gandalf fighting a wizard, calling him Rhadgast the Brown ... but who is actually the Necromancer. (I believe.)
Technical Information and background
A retired Unix Systems Administrator, I have had a "handle" and been part of the "Internet" since the days when it was called the "ARPAnet."
- iMac11,3 Core i7 [2.93GHz - 4 GB 1333]OS X 10.7.x New 11 June 2011
- MacBook Pro4.1 Core 2 Duo [2.5GHz - 4GB 667] OS X 10.7.x
- Mac mini Core Duo [1.66 Ghz - 2 GB 667]OS X 10.6.8
- System Retired (Nov 2012): iMac6,1 Core 2 Duo [2.16GHz - 3 GB 667] OS X 10.6.8 Retired 11 June 2011
- System Retired (Nov 2012): Flat-panel iMac (2.1) [800MHz - Super Drive - 768 Meg] OS X 10.4.11
- System Retired (Nov 2012): PWS433a [Alpha 21164 Rev 7.2 (EV56)- 64 Meg] Tru64 5.1a
- System Retired (Nov 2012): XP1000 [Alpha 21264-3 (EV6) - 256 meg] FreeBSD 5.3
- System Retired (Nov 2012): XP1000 [Alpha 21264-A (EV6-7) - 256 meg] FreeBSD 5.3
You can reach me at:
Yes, I play LOTRO (and DDO) on my Mac via CrossOver Games (aka CXG) from CXG is based on WINE.
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