User:FireDude90/Freclin Arvon

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Freclin Arvon
Knights of Rivendell
World: Nimrodel
Vocation: Woodworker
Class: Hunter
Race: Elf
Region: Currently in the Shire, partying with all the hobbits!
Sex: Male


Physical Description: Freclin is a tall elf who is trained in the Archer's Art. He has also spent time along soon-to-be Rangers, and has learned the art of Swordmanship.

His bow is massive, reaching from his knees to his head. His sword was a gift from the Free People of Middle-Earth for liberating The Shire and Gondamon many times. His hammer was a crafted himself. The recipe was given to him by the Woodworkers of Estedlin, in exchange for Freclin's carvings, as was the recipe for his bow.

Personality Description: Freclin's time among the Rangers has taught him to be wary of telling who he is to random people. Perhaps later, he will tell you how he met with the Rangers and the stories of how he, the Rangers, and a Minstrel liberated the lands of Middle-Earth.


(See above)

Friends and Enemies


  • Knights of Rivendell
  • Rodena

In Between:

  • Eeva - Yes Eeva, I'm still not forgiving you for hiding on the roof.


  • Ivar
  • Naruhel the Red-Maid
  • Hillmen of Garth Agarwen
  • Enemies of the Rangers