Social:Soldiers of gondor

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soldiers of gondor
World: gladden
Founder: jenerek
Leader: rathgaurd
Co-leader: saniel, unfigdin
Kin Hall: bree land
Homestead: rambroke
Region: bree

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Brief intro here we are an up and comeing end game raid kin who accepts any and all serious players, we would welcome minis and tanks. our short term goal is to do a kin turtle raid. long term goal is do all runs and raids within the kinship so we dont have to roll and pray for the drop we need just for it to go to some other class just to pawn or vendor. we are very helpfull and have more of a friend and family environmant. so all is welcome good lick and have fun.

Kinship History

Any info you want to give about your kinship background our history is actually pretty funny,a while back we had a little civil kin war and overthrough the founder then kicked him out and are now a much better kin for it. we have master crafters such as unfigdin who is proficient in every craft. we also have very knowlegable players such as saniel she is the player wiki for the kin.


Brief details of what you want from new members our recruitment isnt very strict although our last kin leader wanted everyone to join wich we found to be a horrible idea. we want you to at least be level 20 and a vip account. level 75s welcome as i said before we need a mini very badly. end game mini woild be awesome. also we need females! online sausage fest isnt cool! so some females to brighten things up would be nice.


List of Officers who can be contacted ingame rathgaurd saniel unfigdin odsur frozenblue please any serious inquirys email rathgaurd first or unfigdin before anything else and we would love to have serious players.

Other Links

Any web links that are relevant to your kinship