Social:Jukes's Men

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Jukes's Men
World: Landroval
Website: None
Founded: June 2015
Founder: Bremel Jukes
Leader: Bremel Jukes
Co-leader: None
Kin Hall: None
Homestead: None
Region: Bree-land, The Shire

Our Motto

"A petty thief is put in jail; a great brigand rules a nation" - Zhuangzi


Jukes's Men is a merry band of brigands; a company bent on carving out some territory from the bounds of The Shire

Our History

Formed shortly after its founder left the Blackwold, The Tactician decided that as a Captain he ought to establish his own chain of command. While it started out as a small-scale enterprise based in Ost Baranor of Chetwood South, it has recently gained a foothold in the Green Hill Country. Now with an outpost at Old Odo's Leaf-farm, the company resorts in scouting its surroundings in the hopes of catching a few halflings traveling across the Great East Road; all in the efforts of gaining more intelligence regarding The Shire, whether it be of history or heritage, to further impose such imperialistic designs upon its denizens.


For those who think they are worthy, head towards Old Odo's Leaf-farm and talk to either The Tactician or one of his lieutenants about joining.

Totem Pole