Ring of Lightning

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Ring of Lightning

Inside the Steamworks of Orthanc, the Ring of Lightning is part of the Tower of Orthanc raid. In this instance, the Saruman's Lightning ring has been given to one of his minions

  • This instance can be done Solo by level 115


This 12-man raid instance is accessed by entering "Isengard: The Tower of Orthanc" from Instance Join. You must have traveled to the Ox-Clan Camp in Isengard prior to entering the raid. As you enter the raid from Instance Join, head straight up the main path until you see an opening in the railing to the right. Enter in here and head to the door to enter "Lightning"

Boss Fight

Kâlbak is the boss of the Steamworks of Orthanc

Main tank needs to keep Boss's back to dps group. Dps group needs to stack in order to prevent distributive damage. Static on the boss will build up causing massive damage if it is released on the group. The tank needs to slowly move the boss away from the group. Once this happens, the group can move up and continue to melee/dps the boss.

The boss will call out a player by name, causing lighting chain damage. The person with the lightning needs to run away from the stacked group as far as possible, and then return to the group after it has cleared.

As long as the group stays stacked, the process is repeated until the boss is dead.


In order to complete the Challenge quest, no crystals (which are "haning" on the ceiling) may be shattered. This means all floor tiles need to be electrified as soon as you kill Kâlbak. Every time Kâlbak looses 10% Morale, the tile he is standing on, and a random one will electrify. Make sure to start on the edges and work you way clockwise... the tiles in the middle will light up as last. Make sure your heavy DPS skills are from cooldown as soon as you reach his last 10% morale.


T2 only:
