Quest Talk:Introduction to Metalsmithy

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Thorin's Hall

Quest bestowal text for a dwarf in Thorin's Hall:

Morór: 'Metalsmithy, is it? A fine choice for any self-respecting dwarf!

'We make the finest armour and shields in all the world, of that there is no doubt. Go over to the forge and speak with Gestur.

'He will set you on the path to becoming another in a long litany of fine metalsmiths.'

Dialogue Variants for Beornings

Bestowal dialogue from Jill Brushwood in Combe: "Well, look at you. I do not often see your folk here, and when I do, I always find it a bit queer. Well, hobbits less so because of the hill.

"Oh, I am sorry, you wish to know more of metalsmithy? It just so happens that there is a fine metalsmith in this very hall, still learning, but taking to the art very quickly. His name is Bill Digweed, and you will find him by the forge in the larger room.

"Good day, Beorning."

WARNING: You must make sure to have room in your inventory for this quest.

Sethladan 23:54, 2 February 2024 (UTC)

Objective 1 Text

This might be standardized now and no longer need the "<NPC> at the forge at the <location>" variables. I get the following (Beorning in Combe), which seems pretty location-agnostic:

  • Speak with the Novice Metalsmith near the forge in the crafting area
You should speak with the Novice Metalsmith to learn more about metalsmithy.

Would be helpful to get confirmation if the other locations are consistent. Could be the case that Michel Delving still says "crafting fair" instead of "crafting area." Sethladan 00:03, 3 February 2024 (UTC)

Update needed I think

I'm fairly sure that this quest cannot be picked up in any crafting area (from experience!). For example this (and the other intro to quests) cannot be found in Bree Crafting Hall but can be found in the Combe one. Based on a thread on the LOTRO forums it would seem these quests are only available in starter areas now. Not sure the best way to make this clear so hoping a TPW may comment. Cheers --Herby29 (talk) 11:46, 7 April 2024 (UTC)