Quest Talk:Instance: Taking a Stand

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Any tips on surviving this? All I did was "assist" and yet the others were all dead with over 2 and a half minutes left on the timer. Rpw1066 (talk) 8 June 2012‎

Bump. A kin of mine asked too, having tried both single and duo. Please add survivability tips at the walk-through, or a reference if they are lengthy (maybe different for different classes). -- Zimoon 05:24, 13 October 2012 (EDT)
My friend got back and said quest was done. I did not get it exactly how other than some kind of "crowd control" in the sense herding mobs to the NPCs and keeping those alive. If there is anything in the walk-through that could be expanded on, or tips, or whatever, that would be appreciated. I read it and see a straight-forward fight, with the option to bail out. I do not see if bailing out allows continuing where you left off, or if that cancels the attempt. But I am not this level yet, by far not. -- Zimoon 09:51, 13 October 2012 (EDT)
I tried several times on a minstrel before giving it up as impossible for a person with my gear and skill (or possibly lack thereof). I think it's particularly difficult for light-armour classes. There is supposedly a "cheat" method to hide at the edge of the map, let all the allies die, and wait for the timer to tick down to the end of the quest. It would be much better to have some actual tips or a real walkthrough.
P.S. If you're frustrated and want to read a rant about this quest, take a look at Justin Olivetti's column at Massively: Anatomy of a Failed Quest. -- Elinnea (talk) 10:00, 13 October 2012 (EDT)
Managed this tonight after a few tries as a Minstrel, although at level 74. Mostly I think I just got lucky with the AI as the scouts didn't split up nearly as much my last time around. If they do split, my suggestion would be to go with the larger group and help them kill as quickly as possible so they make their way back to the remaining 1/2 scouts.
(The quest may have been adjusted since the page was created and the above comments, since I didn't have the option of duoing it and some of the dialogue was different on the wrapper.) Sethladan 23:42, 31 December 2012 (EST)
You don't have to actually do any fighting in this instance. Just run behind the white tree just north of where you start the instance and go AFK for 7 min. The Rohirim will be defeated, the Dunlendings won't see you, and you'll be ported out at the end of the 7 min to turn in the completed quest.