Quest:Whispered Permission

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Whispered Permission
Level 71
Type Solo
Starts with Gadda
Starts at Stangard
Start Region Stangard
Map Ref [26.3S, 63.9W]
Quest Group Eorlsmead
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'It is good that Stanric has given you leave to do as you will. If only I had that liberty....

'Ah well. Sabert and Tatwine are good men...and better yet, are not loyal to Sithric. They will accept your help more readily than the others if you wish to lend aid.'


Stanric has given you leave to do as you will in Stangard.

Objective 1

Sabert and Tatwine are near the main gate of Stangard.

You should assist Sabert and Tatwine with anything they might need that can be done without interference from Sithric.

Objective 2

  • Tell Gadda of your successes in Stangard

Gadda is near the Mead Hall in Stangard.

Gadda: 'You are an admirable <race>, <name>! I wish Sithric had the wisdom to see what good could be done here if only he stepped out of our way!'