Quest:Venturing Forth

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Venturing Forth
Level 45
Type Solo
Starts with Eija or Santtu or Valtteri
Starts at Kauppa-kohta
Start Region Forochel
Map Ref [3.2N, 58.0W]
Ends with Ora
Ends at Pynti-peldot
End Region Forochel
Map Ref [11.5N, 69.5W]
Quest Group Forochel
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Incredible. The northern road has not been this safe in some time. You are free to travel further into these lands, with one condition. Please speak with the chieftain in Pynti-peldot. You will be venturing out of our territory and into their hunting-grounds. We would not want you to appear unannounced.'


The Lossoth are able to reopen their trade route to the north now that the road is safe and snow-sleds have been built.

Objective 1

Pynti-peldot lies far to the north of Kauppa-kohta, past a great ice chasm.

You were told to speak with the chieftain at Pynti-peldot.

Ora: 'Identify yourself at once, Sivullinen!
'<name>, I am Ora, chieftain of the Leijona-heimo Lossoth of Pynti-peldot.
'Snow-glare and ice-dust are our constant companions; we fear no living being and depend upon no-one but ourselves for our subsistence. Can your people say the same? Of course not. None are as strong nor as brave as the cold-dwelling Lumi-väki.'