Quest:Tutorial: When Spiders Unite

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Tutorial: When Spiders Unite
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts at Gramsfoot
Starts with Uglash
[12.3S, 20.9W]
Ends at Gramsfoot
Ends with Uglash
[12.3S, 20.9W]
Money Reward 13 Silver 44 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (20)
Repeatable No
Quest Chain Ettenmoors Creep
Previous Quest Tutorial: Spinning the Web
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Take the stash I've given you and return to your trainers. They can help you fight without getting squashed like an insignificant slug. Hurry! The war doesn't stop just because you aren't ready for it.'


Uglash has implored you to return to your trainers and learn how better to equip yourself for the battles to come. He has sent you to your trainers to learn more.

Objective 1

  • Return to your trainers and learn how to train your skills

Uglash has asked you to return to your trainers and learn more about what it takes to become a true soldier in the war against the Free Peoples.

The trainers are back where you started your life as a Spider. Speak with Lingemil.

Lingemil: 'All eight legs and yet still no sense. Some spider tells you to spin a web and you just start spinning, hmmm? Well pay attention, and you might just learn something.
'Good. Now, talk to me again if you wish to purchase traits, then speak to the Spider Corruptor.'
In Monster Play, you will earn Infamy and Destiny Points by defeating the Free Peoples. As you accrue Infamy, your rank (level) will increase, granting you access to additional skills, traits and characteristics. You can then purchase these from your trainer with Destiny Points.
Speak again with the trainer again if you wish to purchase additional skills and traits.

Objective 2

Having spoken with Lingemil, your traits trainer, you should now purchase some traits, then talk to the Corruptor to equip your traits.

Lenathron: 'Were you raised to interrupt your elders?
'I guess you were. Well then, if you purchased some traits from your trainer, then you can equip them with me.'
You have a corruption ready to be equipped. To equip traits and corruptions speak again with the Corruptor. Select the available traits and corruptions from the list and drag them into the empty trait slots. When you are finished, confirm your selections.

Objective 3

  • Talk to Nathrog, the Corruptions Trader, nearby

Now that you have (presumably) equipped some traits, speak with the Corruptions Trainer to learn more about Corruptions in Monster Play.

Nathrog: 'So you think you are smart enough to understand the concept of trade-offs? Then you are bigger fool than most give you credit for. Come, take a look at what I have to offer. I will grant you incredible powers, but there is a catch to every offer. Choose wisely.
'When you are done, Uglash wishes to speak with you again.'

Corruptions offer th players the ability to raise certain stats in exchange for lowering other ones. This is available for players who wish to specialize even further than their Monster Player class allows.

Objective 4

  • Talk to Uglash to finish the tutorial

Now that you have learned how to best equip yourself in Monster Play, speak with Uglash again for final instructions.

Uglash: 'Good! You are still alive! Hopefully you've learned a thing or two about how to keep yourself from being meat for the slugs.
'There are many things that need to be done to win this war. Speak with the soldiers around the totem behind me to help in the war-effort. You can also view the state of the war in the tent up on the hill. Some of the warriors up there may have things for you to do from time to time as well.
'Now quit staring with that vacant look in your eyes and get out there and fight!'