Quest:Turtles in the Depths

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Turtles in the Depths
Level 100
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Turchail
Starts at Dol Amroth
Start Region Western Gondor
Map Ref [75.3S, 71.3W]
Ends with Turchail
Ends at Dol Amroth
End Region Western Gondor
Map Ref [75.3S, 71.3W]
Quest Chain Dol Amroth - City Watch - Docks
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Ever seen a swamp turtle? They're rascally creatures, the ones out here. Eat the bait from your hook without you even knowing. Why, I've even heard tales of one who would eat the fish right off the hook while you were trying to reel it in. Would wait for you to do all the hard work and then swoop in at the end and steal your dinner.

'They're also dangerous creatures, with jaws that can snap a man’s leg clear in half. I love just about everything in the water, even some of the things from the true depths, but turtles we cannot tolerate any longer.

'Head to the swamps north of Calembel, to the north-east of here, and spend some time fishing. When you get a turtle on the line, pull hard and make sure that it comes ashore. When it does, take care of it. There are a lot of them out there in the shallows, so make sure you clear out a couple.'

This quest is in the West Gondor: Dol Amroth category: You are currently underway on or have completed 0 / 6 quests in this category today.


Turtles are the bane of the Dol Amroth fishermen. They eat the bait, and even sometimes the fish on the hook itself!

Catching some and dispatching of them will aid the food supplies of the beleaguered Gondorian city.

Objective 1

  • Fish up and defeat the turtles (0/4)

Swamps are north of Calembel, north-east of Dol Amroth.

Torchuil asked you to go fishing for turtles in the swamps north of Calembel and to dispatch any you caught

Objective 2

  • Speak with Torchuil

Torchuil can be found in Dol Amroth.

Torchuil will be very pleased to know the turtles have been thinned.

'I'm sure the fresh tide will bring in more, but for now we should be able to get a couple of hours of unmolested fishing in. Thank you.'