Quest:The Stonehold Chief

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The Stonehold Chief
Level 26
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Annúndir
Start Region North Downs
Map Ref [12.1S, 50.2W]
Quest Group North Downs
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The Stonehold Chief lies at the centre of all the goblins' mischief in Annúndir. You should defeat the Stonehold Chief, and send a strong message to the goblins menacing these lands.


Objective 1

The Stonehold Chief is in the goblin camp on the southern hills of Annúndir, east of Amon Raith.

You should find and defeat the Stonehold Chief.

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have defeated the Stonehold Chief, eliminating the greatest weight of the goblin threat in Annúndir.