Quest:The Sorcerer's Council

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The Sorcer's Council
Level 77
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Jóshkhin Orda
Start Region The Wold
Map Ref [42.4S, 47.2W]
Ends with Sergeant Guthferth
Ends at North-torr
End Region The Wold
Map Ref [44.0S, 47.5W]
Quest Chain North-torr
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The Easterlings have established a dangerous organization under the watch of the Sorcerer, making them a more deadly foe than ever. The council of the Sorcerer should be destroyed.


The Easterlings have established a dangerous organization under the watch of the Sorcerer, making them a more deadly foe than ever. The council of the Sorcerer should be destroyed.

Objective 1

The Sorcerer's Council resides in five towers throughout the large encampment of Jóshkhin Orda to the north of North-torr.

You should defeat each of the members of the Sorcerer's Council.

Defeated a member of the Sorcerer's Council (1/3)

Objective 2

Sergeant Guthferth stands guard at North-torr, just north of the city of Floodwend in the Wold.

You should speak with Sergeant Guthferth.

Sergeant Guthferth: 'I am grateful to you, <name>. That council oversaw the Easterling battle strategy and were at the head of all enemy movements in the Wold.
'There are likely many more to come from the Undeep, but this will surely slow them down. This was no small victory! My own soldiers would be hard-pressed to execute such a bold plan.'