Quest:Silence of the Wargs

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Silence of the Wargs
Level 59
Type Solo
Starts with Ótam
Starts at Mekhem-bizru
Start Region Lothlórien
Map Ref [11.6S, 78.5W]
Quest Group Moria: The Dimrill Dale
Quest Chain Riders in the Dale
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The Orcs flowing from Khazad-dûm have found a powerful ally in the Wargs here in the Dale. This is a very bad thing for us here, as we cannot match Warg-riders in combat. They are too fast and too strong.

'If we want to fight this new menace, we will first have to strike at the Wargs. Head south-east, to Athmadhul, and thin the numbers of the Wargs there. Once we have done that, we can begin to think about the riders.

'Be careful, <name>, for the beasts are dangerous, even singly. Return to me when you are through. And, <name>.'


The Warg-riders of the Dimrill Dale have been harassing the dwarf-encampment at Mekhem-bizru since it was first established.

Objective 1

Wargs can be found at Athmadhul, south-east of Mekhem-bizru.

Ótam wants you to thin the numbers of the Wargs so there will be fewer Warg-riders to trouble the dwarves.

Ótam: 'If there are no Wargs to ride, there will be no Warg-riders to raid.'

Objective 2

Ótam is at Mekhem-bizru, north-west of Athmadhul.

Ótam will be pleased to hear that the Wargs around Athmadhul have been thinned.

Ótam: 'The Wargs have been silenced, but there is much yet to do. The Orcs yet remain, and they are a dangerous foe.'