Quest:Roving Threat: Ulkharn, the Commander

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Roving Threat: Ulkharn, the Commander
Level 100
Type Fellowship
Repeatable Daily
Starts with Cánnakh
Starts at Aughaire
Start Region Angmar
Map Ref [0.4N, 39.5W]
Quest Group Roving Threats
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Regmyl are deadly. I am certainly not going near one! I shall leave it up to you if you want to seek out this particular Rogmul.

'Ulkharn seems to be leading the others who left the Rift, but for what purpose? My research continues.'


Foul, ancient evil from The Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu has made its way to the surface of Angmar, including Ulkharn, who commands this evil for an unknown purpose.

Objective 1

Ulkharn can be found somewhere in Angmar.

You should defeat Ulkharn.

Objective 2

Cánnakh can be found in Aughaire.

You should speak with Cánnakh.

Cánnakh: 'The Rogmul has been defeated?! You are indeed an accomplished warrior!
'I know not how long and deep the caverns under the Rift stretch. I can only speculate about the many nameless foes still lurking down there. I shall continue my research.'