Quest:Raid: Captain-General Meldún of Isendeep

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Raid: Captain-General Meldún of Isendeep
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Raid
Starts at Gramsfoot
Starts with Soldier Dalgumthak
[11.9S, 20.6W]
Ends at Hoarhallow
Money Reward 20 Silver 14 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (100)
Commendations 100 Commendations
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Gramsfoot
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Look lively, you sack of filth! I've no time for chatter, only time for killing!

'The Snowreap-goblins in Arador's End sent scouts to us with news that Meldún, a dwarf who defended he Isendeep moved to Hoarhallow!

'Get down there and tear the dwarf's beard off his face before you gut him like a Nimwaith!'


A dwarf patrols the streets of Hoarhallow, defending the rat-folk. End him.

Objective 1

Hoarhallow is south of Gramsfoot.

Soldier Dalgumthak directed you to Hoarhallow to kill the dwarf-lord in power there.

Soldier Dalgumthak: 'Get out there and slaughter that dwarf, you piss-ant! I'm not here to see you dally behind the safety of these walls! I will flay your hide and hang it from the walls of this fort if I must!
'To Hoarhallow... slaughter the dwarf Captain-General.'