Quest:Now to Grimslade, Grimbold's Home

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Now to Grimslade, Grimbold's Home
Level 94
Type Solo
Starts with Gamling
Starts at The Deeping-coomb
Start Region Westfold
Map Ref [60.8S, 88.8W]
Ends with Hildith
Ends at Grimslade Mead Hall
End Region Westfold
Map Ref [63.2S, 82.5W]
Quest Group Westfold
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I still urge you to come within, but it would seem that you have still had no word of Erkenbrand, Grimbold, or any of the others. What do you wish to do?'

You take your leave of Gamling; you must search the town of Grimslade now, for that is where Grimbold is Thane.

'I wish you a safe journey, <name>, and a speedy one at that.'


You have helped the people of Marton, and now it is time to search the town of Grimslade for word of the lords of the Mark.

Objective 1

  • Find someone in Grimslade who might have information

Grimslade is in the south-eastern reaches of the Westfold.

You should search Grimslade for someone who may have had word of Grimbold, the Thane of Grimslade, or any of the other lords of the Mark who are missing.

Hildith: 'Hail, stranger! Do you bring tidings of my husband or the soldiers of Grimslade who have gone missing from the Fords?'
Hildith's hopeful stare turns to disappointment quickly enough as you tell her you came to beg for word of the same people.