Quest:Messenger of Fate

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Messenger of Fate
Level 71
Type Solo
Starts with Cada
Starts at Barnavon Mine
Start Region Dunland
Map Ref [84.8S, 14.4W]
Quest Group Dunland: Carreglyn
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'<name>, you did a great service for the Turch-lûth, the Boar-clan, by finding the missing miners. Will you now go to the families of the miners and relay to them the news of their husbands' and fathers' fates?

'We will help the families of those who perished as best we can, but perhaps Gwilum will be better able to help them.

'Return to Barnavon and speak with Usbail, Vevinn, Tafin, Rhonwen, and Nesta.'


You brought news of the fates of the missing miners at the Barnavon Mine to Gwilum, as Cada had requested.

Objective 1

Usbail, Vevinn, Tafin, Rhonwen, and Nesta may be found at their homes within Lower Barnavon, far to the west of the Barnavon Mine.

Gwilum has asked you to take news of the once-missing miners to their families.

Nesta: 'This cannot be! Matho has perished in that accursed mine? What whall we do now? The Ox-clan pigs will starve my children to death!
'Perhaps Gwilum will know what to do?'
Rhonwen: 'Yago is dead? N-no...this cannot be true! How dare you say such things, Duvodiad?
'Ah, but nay, I see in your eyes that it is true...thank Gwilum for his concern and thoughtfulness.'
Tafin: 'Inir will be a welcome sight...praise be to the Turch-gwirod for his save return!'
Usbail: 'Wilim lives! What joyous news! May the blessings of the Turch-gwirod be ever with you!'
Vevinn: 'Siam was hurt, but lives still? Then we shall be thankful that worse did not come upon him. We shall prepare for his joyous return!'

Objective 2

Gwilum is outside the gate to Barnavon-town.

You should return to Gwilum and let him know that you have done as he requested.

Gwilum: 'Thank you, <name>. You have proven a true friend to the Boar-clan once again.
'There is little that I can do personally for the families of Yago and Matho, for if the Brenin learns of it, my life would be at greater risk than it is...but perhaps together we may find a way to aid them.'