Quest:Instance: The Pain of Regret

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Instance: The Pain of Regret
Level 82
Type Solo
Starts with Léofmar
Starts at Eaves of Fangorn
Start Region Eaves of Fangorn
Map Ref [39.6S, 72.4W]
Quest Group Eaves of Fangorn
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

"Léofmar carries a deep guilt with him since his arrival in Fangorn, one that has led him to believe that he is cursed. He is ready to reveal to you the story behind his regret."


Léofmar is ready to reveal his tale of guilt and cowardice.

Objective 1

  • Listen to Léofmar's narration

Léofmar is relaying the tale of his cowardice, for which he believes a curse is his punishment.

Léofmar: Léofmar describes a watchtower in the settlement of Garsfeld in the Sutcrofts, and his reluctant post there.
Watchtower duty is generally a slow business without much incident, but on this day, the unimaginable happens....
Léofmar says, No....
Something terrible stirs in the fields below....

Objective 2

  • Listen to Léofmar's narration

Observe Léofmar's behaviour.

Léofmar says, How...? So many!
Léofmar says, What ever can we do against --
Léofmar says, What now? Help!
Townsperson says, Orcs! Save us!
Léofmar: Léofmar cowers against the side of a building while the town flies into a panic at the prospect of battle.
His eyes are wild with the madness of a sudden fear. You look upon a man who is ready to flee.

Objective 3

  • Follow Léofmar's narration

Léofmar is relaying the tale of his cowardice, for which he believes a curse is his punishment.

Léofmar says, I...I am no soldier!!
Townsperson says, Arm yourselves!
Townsperson says, Orcs! Save us!
Townsperson says, The city is under attack!
Townsperson says, Enemies at the gates! Enemies on the fields!
Léofmar has escaped from a certain battle and pauses outside of Garsfeld's north-west gate

Objective 4

  • Listen to Léofmar's narration

Léofmar is relaying the tale of his cowardice, for which he believes a curse is his punishment.

Léofmar: Léofmar has finished the tale of how he was afraid when the armies of Orcs began to march across the field -- how he sounded his horn to alert Garsfeld, then fled in fear of wielding a sword against so many cruel foes.
Léofmar: Léofmar's tale is ended, but to you, it is not a curse-worthy one. He is only a green young man with a farmer's blood in his veins, not a soldier's. He curses himself for running, but there is nothing evil laid upon him but his own regret.