Quest:Instance: The Ambush

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The Ambush
Level 105
Type Solo
Starts with Gimli
Starts at Cirith Negen
Start Region North Ithilien
Map Ref [43.9S, 7.3W]
Quest Chain Vol. IV. Book 7
Reflecting Pool North Ithilien Reflecting Pool
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

The Ambush
"Orcs and Easterlings have set a trap for the Host of the West, but now we seek to foil the ambush before it can be sprung."


You have come with Legolas, Gimli, and a number of Rangers to the northern side of Cirith Negen in order to disrupt the Orc and Easterling ambush.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Gimli north of Cirith Negen
  • Do not get too close to Cirith Negen before the Rangers are in position!
  • Gimli must not be defeated!

Gimli is standing off the road north of Cirith Negen, waiting to attack the enemy ambushers.

Gimli: 'We have come the long way 'round Cirith Negen, <name>, and now we are in position to surprise the Orcs and Easterlings before they can attack Aragorn's host.
'We will descend upon them in full-throated fury, and send them screaming back to their own lands, or to death!'

Objective 2

  • Accompany Gimli as he (quietly) dispatches the enemy picket
  • Do not get too close to Cirith Negen before the Rangers are in position!
  • Gimli must not be defeated!

Gimli is standing off the road north of Cirith Negen, waiting to attack the enemy ambushers.

Legolas says, "No, Gimli!"
Legolas says, "We must maintain our secrecy and remain quiet as we approach."
Gimli says, "What? But Gandalf said he wanted us to make noise!"
Gimli says, "You cannot expect me to charge into battle without a battle-cry, Legolas!"
Legolas says, "The Orcs will have a picket north of the pass. You and <name> need to defeat them... silently!"
Legolas says, "Maybe you could whisper your battle-cries, Gimli!"
Gimli says, "Whisper! Harrumph."
Gimli says, "All right, <name>. Let us find these enemy pickets. Quietly!"
Gimli says, "Orcs are close, <name>!"
Gimli says, "Khazâd! Khazâd!"
Gimli says, "Very good!"
Gimli says, "Another scout!"
Gimli says, "Khazâd-ai-mênu!"
Gimli says, "I think we've benn unnotices so far, <name>!"
Gimli says, "There are foes nearby!"
Gimli says, "Baruk Khazâd!"
Gimli says, "Someone else approaches!"
Gimli says, "This is no enemy! It is the Ranger Dagoras."

Objective 3

  • Talk to Dagoras north of Cirith Negen
  • Do not get too close to Cirith Negen before the Rangers are in position!
  • Gimli must not be defeated!

You have met up with Dagoras in the woods north of Cirith Negen.

Dagoras: 'The Rangers are in position, <name>, and so too are the Elves. Now we just need someone to give the signal to attack.
'Why don't you walk down the road behind Cirith Negen and let our enemies know they have been outmaneuvered? The time for stealth is over, now that we are ready to launch the attack!'

Objective 4

  • Attack the Orc leader at Cirith Negen to signal the other Rangers
  • Gimli must not be defeated!

Your attack on the Orc leader at Cirith Negen will be the signal for Dagoras and the other Rangers to begin the full assault.

Dagoras says, "Your attack will be the signal for the rest of us, <name>."
Gimli says, "Finally, no more sneaking around! Let's go, <name>!"

Objective 5

  • Survive combat until the Rangers can attack!
  • Gimli must not be defeated!

You need to survive until the Rangers can finish their attack!

Gimli says, "Khazâd! Khazâd!"
Ambushing Orc says, "Hey!"
Ambushing Orc says, "We're under attack!"

Objective 6

  • The tables have been turned!
  • Gimli must not be defeated!

The Rangers have launched their attack!

Ranger of Ithilien says, "Victory!"
Daervunn says, "Let that be a warning to the foes of King Elessar!"
Grey Company Ranger says, "The day is ours!"
Elladan says, "Well fought, my brother!"
Legolas says, "Well done, Gimli! You were as quiet as anyone should have expected, my friend!"
Dagoras says, "The threat has passed!"

Objective 7

  • Talk to Dagoras north of Cirith Negen
  • Gimli must not be defeated!

You and the Rangers have turned the tables on the ambushers at Cirith Negen.

Dagoras: 'We have victory! The enemy has been dispersed, and will no longer pose a threat to the Host of the West!
'Thank you for your heroism, <name>! I must thank your friend Gimli as well, both for the swing of his axe and the stillness of his tongue during our approach. [I know that dwarves enjoy to bellow, and keeping his quiet must not have been easy!/I know that your people enjoy to bellow when combat is nigh, and keeping your quiet must not have been easy!]
'We have all done a service for Aragorn this day. I am glad to have made the road safe for the host.'
Completed: Instance: The Ambush
Dagoras: 'Let us return to Aragorn and report of our success.'