Quest:Instance: Shield-brothers

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Instance: Shield-brothers
Level 79
Type Solo
Starts with Elfmar
Starts at Mead Hall of Faldham
Start Region Norcrofts
Map Ref [54.5S, 57.5W]
Quest Group Vol. III. Book 8
Reflecting Pool East Rohan Reflecting Pool
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

"Elfmar is a good man and true, just like his father. We should help him prepare his men for battle as best we can."


Elfmar has asked for your aid in training his men, and also for a chance to discuss the situation in Rohan.

Objective 1

Elfmar is standing outside his Mead Hall, and he wishes to speak with you about the possibility of training his men.

Elfmar: 'Things go ill in Rohan, <name>. I fear that the King's men are fewer than in days past, and less resolute. I have heard whispers from villagers and lords alike that put little faith in Théoden King.
'I stand with Éomer, the King's nephew and Third Marshal of the Riddermark. He is my shield-brother, and we have sparred in peace and fought side by side during war. If he were here, he would be the first to volunteer to train with my men. Alas, Éomer is carried hither and yon by the tides of danger, and he goes where he is most needed. For today, that is elsewhere.
'It will not always be so, and that is why I want you to train with my men. They will have need of the experience when the Orcs come to Faldham, as surely they must.'
  • Walk with Elfmar while he explains the situation
Elfmar says, "I have called as many of my men as could be spared to this field."
Elfmar says, "This is the very enclosure where my father taught me to swing a sword, when I was but a child."
Elfmar says, "Let us see if I can make my father proud, though he be far distant! We shall be the first combatants!"

Objective 2

  • Talk to Elfmar to begin training with him

Elfmar wishes to train with you.

Elfmar: 'It has been the custom in Faldham for the leader to take the first battle for himself, and I see no reason it should be different today. Let us have a good battle, <name>, and by our example inspire the men!'
  • Train with Elfmar until he yields
Elfmar says, "We begin the day's combats!"
Elfmar says, "I yield! Very good."

Objective 3

Nona and Horn are in the field outside the Faldham Mead Hall.

Horn: 'Well-fought, both of you. I will find someone with whom to test my own mettle!'
Horn goes off to find someone with whom to spar
Nona: 'I will try not to hurt these horse-lords too badly, <name>, for your sake.'
Nona looks for someone with whom to spar

Objective 4

  • Train with Elfmar's men in the field outside the Faldham Mead Hall

Elfmar's men are in the field outside the Mead Hall of Faldham.

Elfmar has asked you to train with his men so they will have some additional battle experience.

Rohirrim Fighter: This man has the rank of Guma.
His mood is one of eagerness.
He was born in Faldham and is a frequent companion of Elfmar and Éomer.
Rohirrim Fighter says, "Can you beat me? I think not!""
Rohirrim Fighter says, "You got me fair and square."
Trained a man of Guma rank
Rohirrim Fighter: This man has the rank of Ceorl.
His mood is one of trepidation.
He was born in Garsfeld, but now lives in Faldham and his loyalty is to Elfmar while Elfhelm is away.
Rohirrim Fighter says, "Okay, I'm ready, I suppose... for Garsfeld and Elfmar!"
Rohirrim Fighter says, "Enough! That's enough! Sorry, that is all I can stand."
Trained a man of Ceorl rank
Rohirrim Fighter: This man has the rank of Ceorl.
His mood is one of quiet confidence, and you cannot tell his level of skill from his countenance.
He was born in Edoras and came to Faldham at a young age.
Rohirrim Fighter says, "We fight."
Rohirrim Fighter says, "Good combat. I thank you."
Trained a man of Ceorl rank
Rohirrim Fighter: This man has the rank of Guma.
His mood is one of understated confidence.
He was born in Minas Tirith but is of Rohirric descent, and came to Faldham many years ago. He has already distinguished himself in battle with the Orcs.
Rohirrim Fighter says, "I am ready to do battle with you! Are you ready for the same?"
Rohirrim Fighter says, "Very good, very good! It was a good battle!"
Trained a man of Guma rank
Rohirrim Fighter: This man has the rank of Ceorl.
His mood is one of slight trepidation.
He was born in Faldham, and he works daily on his combat skill but to little result. He hopes his training with you will help.
Rohirrim Fighter says, "I think I am ready. I train every day!"
Rohirrim Fighter says, "All right, all right! It was not enough!"
Trained a man of Ceorl rank
Rohirrim Fighter: This man has the rank of Rinc.
His mood is one of weariness.
He was born in Langhold and has seen much of war. He came to Faldham because this is where his steed finally succumbed to exhaustion. He offered his sword to Elfmar as a means of regaining his honour.
Rohirrim Fighter says, "I am hungry for a chance to prove myself!"
Rohirrim Fighter says, "This is not the day I regain my honour. Alas!"
Trained a man of Rinc rank
Rohirrim Fighter: This man has the rank of Rinc.
His mood is one of eagerness.
He was born in Faldham and his loyalty has always been to Elfhelm and his heirs.
Rohirrim Fighter says, "I am ready for you! Show me your skill."
Rohirrim Fighter says, "I know when I am beaten."
Trained a man of Rinc rank
Rohirrim Fighter: This man has the rank of Ceorl.
His mood is one of extreme confidence, but you can tell it is misplaced. He is certain to yield at the first chance of injury.
He lives in Snowbourn and came to Faldham to serve Elfhelm, but he arrived after Elfhelm rode to the Fords and now seeks to impress Elfmar.
Rohirrim Fighter says, "Tremble, for you face a skilled opponent!"
Rohirrim Fighter says, "I give up! Oh, I give up! I yield! I yield!"
Trained a man of Ceorl rank
Rohirrim Fighter: This man has the rank of Rinc.
His mood is one of confidence.
He was born in Harwick and came to Faldham with his family very recently. He practices daily so he may better protect them.
Rohirrim Fighter says, "This will make me stronger."
Rohirrim Fighter says, "Thank you for the practice, friend."
Trained a man of Rinc rank

Objective 5

  • Talk to Elfmar

Elfmar wants to have another bout with you.

Elfmar: 'Is it true that your friend and boon companion Horn is from Eaworth, in the Entwash Vale? If he is the son of Reeve Ingbert, then his sister is the girl Ingyth.'
Elfmar looks troubled.
'I wonder how she has taken the death of Prince Théodred? The two were betrothed, and now, alas, never will they marry. This war has already taken the happiness of many, and it is only just begun!
'I am ready to spar with you again, <name>! And this time I will not let you have the victory so easily!'
  • Train with Elfmar until he yields
Elfmar says, "A second bout! And this one shall go to me!"
Elfmar says, "Ah, you got me!"
Nona says, "Horn! Are you ready to prove yourself to me in battle?"
Horn says, "I did not catch that, Nona. What did you want?"
Nona says, "I want a challenge! Do you think you can provide it?"
Horn says, "I think you will find I can. Do you see the strength in my sword-arm?"
Nona says, "Where?"
Horn says, "Here, my sword-arm...ah, you are having a jest!"
Horn says, "I would spar with you, lady, but I would fear to harm such a delicate flower..."
Nona says, "I will not be called that by you! Lady?! Delicate?!"

Objective 6

Corudan wishes to train with you as well.

Corudan: 'Oh my. Nona and Horn will likely be sparring like that for awhile. I have been wondering how much longer it might take. Each of their interest in the other has been quite obvious to me, though perhaps not to themselves.'
Corudan smiles.
'Would you like to spar with me? They are not likely to end anytime soon.'
  • Train with Corudan until he yields
Corudan says, "Very good: nice and short. I see that Horn and Nona are not yet finished."

Objective 7

  • Talk to Elfmar

Elfmar is in the field outside the Mead Hall of Faldham.

Elfmar: 'I do not quite know what to make of this, <name>. If I did not know better, I would say that those two were a-courting. But... that would be unwise to say aloud. Perhaps I am mistaken.'
Elfmar shakes his head.
'Thank you for your help! I know that my men are better prepared to face what must surely await them now. I hope you found the training useful as well.'
Elfmar: 'Are you ready to return to the Mead Hall? Nothing follows up a sweat quite like a great mug of ale!'