Quest:Instance: Daughter of Strife

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Instance: Daughter of Strife
Level 50
Type Session Play
Repeatable yes
At Chronicle of Events
Starts with Narmeleth
Starts at Delossad
Start Region Trollshaws
Map Ref [38.4S, 12.8W]
Quest Group Vol. I. Book 15
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

Daughter of Strife
"Ages ago, in the fastness of Eregion, the Dark Lord came in fair guise. Some among the Elves called him Antheron Gift-lord, for he taught them to craft the Rings of Power. In those days, he beguiled Narmeleth daughter of Laerdan and broke her mind...."


Listen to Narmeleth's story of how she became Amarthiel, Champion of Angmar.

Objective 1

Narmeleth has asked you to come with her, as she has someone very special for you to meet.

Narmeleth says, "Do hurry; I have something wonderful to show thee!"
Narmeleth says, "Thou didst not tell my father, did thee? Thou knowest how he worries."
Narmeleth says, "The smiths have taught me all they know, and yet He knows so much more...come, thou must meet him!"
Narmeleth says, "Do not be frightened; Antheron promised there was naught for me to fear."
Narmeleth says, "Orcs! Come, let us test our strength."
Narmeleth says, "Dost thou see? No uruk can withstand the might of the Noldor!"
Narmeleth says, "A second assault? Come! I welcome the battle!"
Narmeleth says, "I must be on my guard...who knows how many more Orcs there could be?"
Narmeleth says, "See how they quake before my blade!"
Narmeleth says, "Are you well, friend? I lost sight of thee in the heat of the battle."
Narmeleth says, "Come, it is not far now!"
Narmeleth says, "And father says I am not ready to fight in the wars. See how they fall before me!"
Durub Leader says, "We have you now. Get them, lads!"
Narmeleth says, "Maybe this was not such a wise choice..."

Objective 2

  • Follow Narmeleth
  • Protect Narmeleth
  • Protect Laerdan

Narmeleth has asked you to come with her, as she has someone very special for you to meet.

Laerdan says, "For Elbereth!"
Laerdan says, "Narmeleth, what is this foolishness?"

Objective 3

  • Follow Narmeleth

Narmeleth has asked you to come with her, as she has someone very special for you to meet.

Narmeleth says, "Father, I..."
Antheron says, "I thought she handled herself quite well."
Narmeleth says, "I can explain, I..."
Laerdan says, "I already forbade thee from speaking to this...this Gift-lord, and now thou dost sneak out to meet with him?"
Antheron says, "Thy father would forbid thee from learning more of the world outside."
Antheron says, "Come with me, Narmeleth!"
Antheron says, "I can show thee how to make things not even the mind of Fëanor has imagined."
Laerdan says, "Thou would order my daughter to defy me?"
Laerdan says, "Come, Narmeleth. We are returning to Mirobel at once!"
Antheron says, "Would thou be trapped in Mirobel forever?"
Laerdan says, "Hold thy tongue, or I shall show it to thee!"
Narmeleth says, "Father, no!"
Narmeleth says, "I am leaving with Antheron. If thou love me, thou will not stop me."
Antheron says, "Come, Narmeleth. We shall begin thy learning immediately."
Laerdan says, "Narmeleth, I..."
Laerdan says, "...I love thee."