Quest:Edoras: Two Brothers

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Edoras: Two Brothers
Level 87
Type Solo
Starts with Britred
Starts at Edoras
Start Region Edoras
Map Ref [61.1S, 72.8W]
Ends with Sigun
Ends at Signoth's Estate
End Region Edoras
Map Ref [61.1S, 72.5W]
Quest Group Edoras
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Yet another lot who say they won't budge when the town empties -- old Sigun and Sigmar. They are locked in a year-long squabble over the house bequeathed them by their father.

'I won't bore you with the details. It is widely known but they are fools. They must come, yet they will not heed the order. Please try to reason with them, <name>-- whatever it takes.'

NOTE: Edoras quests must be completed before the Evacuation of Edoras takes place.


Britred, one of the organizers of the evacuation, has asked you to urge Sigun and Sigmar to put aside their dispute and ready themselves to leave.

NOTE: Edoras quests must be completed before the Evacuation of Edoras takes place.

Objective 1

  • Encourage Sigun to leave
  • Encourage Sigmar to leave

The quarrelling brothers Sigmar and Sigun can be found outside their late father's estate atop a hill near the fountain north of Meduseld.

You should speak with each of the quarrelling brothers.

Sigun: 'This house should be mine, no matter what my father's will says! I am eldest after all. If I leave, that brother of mine will try to take it from me, like he did Elfwyn so many years ago.
'No, I must remain here and keep my eye on him, for I do not trust him.'
Sigun refuses to leave, for he does not trust his brother
Sigmar: 'My father's will was unclear, and therefore we both of us or neither of us own this house. My brother wants to take it for himself, just like he tried to do with Elfwyn so many years ago.
'He never could let me have anything to myself. He thought everything was his by right.
'Nay, I will not leave. He will move in and change the locks as soon as I look away.'
Sigmar refuses to leave, for he does not trust his brother

Objective 2

Britred can be found at atop the fountain wall north of Meduseld.

You should return to Britred.

Britred: 'I thought as much. I will throw them in the stocks, then.'
You reflect with sympathy upon the anger and pain in each brother's manner, and ask Britred to give you some time to make them come around.
'All right, <name>. If you insist -- but you do not have long. They either come willingly or in chains. It matters not to me -- I am sick of their dispute.'
You recall that both brothers mentioned a woman, Elfwyn....

Objective 3

Britred can be found atop the fountain wall north of Meduseld.

You should ask Britred about the woman they mentioned, Elfwyn.

Britred: 'Who is Elfwyn? Why, she is a widow who lives near the market-place with her children, north and west of here.
'A good lady, very hospitable.'
You thank Britred for the information.
Elfwyn may have advice on how to deal with Sigun and Sigmar, for apparently she knew them both well

Objective 4

  • Ask Elfwyn about the brothers' dispute

Elfwyn can be found at her home just outside the market-place of Edoras, north of Meduseld.

You should find Elfwyn and ask her about the quarrelling brothers.

Elfwyn: 'They brought me up in their horrid quarrel, did they? Hmph! After all this time, they still don't understand what drove me away.
'Sigun courted me first, you see, but it was Sigmar I loved. But Sigmar was jealous, and thought Sigun was still trying to claim me.
'I could not abide such nonsense. I do not regret rejecting either man, for my late husband had more sense than both of them combined.
'To think! They are still using this dispute as an excuse to fight like children, when all their mother or father ever wanted was to see them reconciled. They have driven away everyone. It is madness.'

Objective 5

  • Convince Sigmar of his folly

The quarrelling brothers Sigmar and Sigun can be found outside their late father's estate atop a hill near the fountain north of Meduseld.

You should speak with the quarrelling brothers.

Sigmar: 'Elfwyn chose me, yes, but Sigun was always trying to steal her -- just like he is trying to shut me out of my claim in my father's estate.
'I would sooner see us both in the stocks than let my guard down before Sigun.'