Quest:Clean-up Duty

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Clean-up Duty
Level 115
Type Solo
Starts with Álarr
Starts at Lake-town Barracks
Start Region Eryn Lasgalen
Map Ref [17.0N, 27.2W]
Quest Group The Dale-lands
Quest Chain The Master's Murder
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You know what I really need around here? Someone to clean this mess! My guards are filthy, despite how many times I've scolded them for it! How hard is it to wipe your boots off before you come inside? Do me a favour and clean up after them.'


You have agreed to do some chores for Captain Álarr in exchange for access to the murder location. Clean up the filthy guards' barracks.

Objective 1

Mud can be found in the guards' barracks in Lake-town.

You should clean up mud.

MUD "These guards are messy!"
Cleaning up ... Cleaned!
Cleaned up mud in the barracks (10/10)

Objective 2

Captain Álarr can be found in the guards' barracks in Lake-town.

You should talk to Álarr.

Álarr: 'Much better. Now, if you could only smack some sense into my men, we wouldn't need to assign someone to clean-up duty in the first place.'