Quest:Book 7, Chapter 2: The Council of the Captains

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Book 7, Chapter 2: The Council of the Captains
Level 105
Type Solo
Starts with Aragorn
Starts at Aragorn's Pavilion
Start Region The Pelennor Fields (After-battle)
Map Ref [65.6S, 14.7W]
Ends with Aragorn
Ends at Aragorn's Pavilion
End Region The Pelennor Fields (After-battle)
Map Ref [65.6S, 14.7W]
Quest Chain Vol. IV. Book 7
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'A decision made without all the information is undermined even as it is made, <name>. When we meet in council, some things that were kept secret must be revealed if we are to properly weigh our choices. I hope you will think no less of me for keeping these secrets, my friend. You are a good friend and true, and if I kept you in the dark, I did so only because at the time I thought it was needed.

'Speak to me when you are ready to meet.'


Aragorn has called a council of the captains to decide his next course.

Objective 1

Aragorn is at his pavilion, east of Minas Tirith, after the Battle of Pelennor Fields.

Aragorn: 'It is time to decide our course.'
Complete the instance Instance: The Council of the Captains

Objective 2

Aragorn is at his pavilion, east of Minas Tirith, after the Battle of Pelennor Fields.

Aragorn: 'This is not the easy decision, <name>, but I think it is the right one. We cannot defeat Sauron in battle, but we must draw his gaze and keep it upon us for as long as we can. All our hopes lie now on Frodo and Sam, and we must do what we can to aid them from afar.'