Quest:Book 6, Chapter 5: The Black Ships

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Book 6, Chapter 5: The Black Ships
Level 105
Type Solo
Starts with Éomer
Starts at Riders' Stand
Start Region Riders' Stand
Map Ref [18.3N, 15.4W]
Ends with Éomer
Ends at Riders' Stand
End Region Riders' Stand
Map Ref [18.3N, 15.4W]
Quest Chain Vol. IV. Book 6
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'My eyes cannot believe what they see, and yet they must. Another player has entered the field of battle, and he has thrown in his lot with Mordor. Look for yourself, <name>, and see that of which I speak!'


Éomer has seen something in the distance that fills him with dread.

Objective 1

  • Look into the distance and see what Éomer has seen

Éomer asked you to look into the distance and see what has so disturbed him.

Black sails fly on a river of dread

Objective 2

  • Talk to Éomer on the south-western outcropping of the hillock

Éomer is on a rocky outcropping on the south-western side of the hillock at Riders' Stand.

Éomer: 'You see them too. Black sails on the river! The Corsairs of Umbar approach from the south-west!'
As you look at Éomer and see the despair in his eyes, you almost tell him that the ships are not sailed by Corsairs, for the Corsairs are slain and their leader Balakhôr will scourge no more. But then doubt gnaws in your mind. Aragorn intended to bring the ships north to Minas Tirith, but what if some evil befell him upon the river? What if some design of Sauron's lay in wait, ready to ensnare the Grey Company and their allies?
You hold your tongue, and seek to master your own mounting doubt and fear.

Objective 3

Forces of the Enemy approach the hillock as you seek to master your doubt and fear.

Éomer: 'Black sails on the river! The Corsairs of Umbar approach from the south-west!'
Defeated foes on the hillock (4/4)

Objective 4

  • Defeat more foes on the hillock (0/4)

Forces of the Enemy approach the hillock as you seek to master your doubt and fear.

Defeated more foes on the hillock (4/4)

Objective 5

  • Defeat even more foes on the hillock (0/4)

Forces of the Enemy approach the hillock as you seek to master your doubt and fear.

Defeated even more foes on the hillock (4/4)

Objective 6

  • Talk to Éomer on the south-western outcropping of the hillock

Éomer is on a rocky outcropping on the south-western side of the hillock, but his mood is greatly changed.

Éomer: '<name>! At last our fortunes change! I would not have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes!'