Quest:Book 3: Chapter 5: Into Ithilien

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Book 3, Chapter 5: Into Ithilien
Level 100
Type Solo
Starts with Angbor
Starts at Arnach
Start Region Lossarnach
Map Ref [75.5S, 23.7W]
Ends with Duilin
Ends at Bâr Húrin
End Region South Ithilien
Map Ref [73.4S, 12.7W]
Quest Chain Vol. IV. Book 3
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Enemy forces must have crossed the Anduin and taken the port of Harlond by surprise. They have had time enough to fortify the south-gate of the Rammas against us. That makes things more difficult to be sure. Only that road can support the movement of my four thousand men. We simply do not have the time or the resources to ferry that many warriors across the Anduin, and moving them through the forests of Ithilien in a wide sweep would be far too slow and take too much time. If we take such a course, the war will be ended before my men get there! No, they must retake Harlond, and they will need me to lead them in this effort.

'You, however, have another errand. Aragorn wanted you to reach either Gandalf or Faramir? You can take a single craft across the Anduin and move more swiftly than four thousand. You must pass into Ithilien and come by that way to Osgiliath. Meanwhile, my men will assail Harlond.

'My scouts learned that a friend of Gondor operates a secret ferry to the east, among the high reeds that border the river. Find her and see if she will bring you across the river into Ithilien, <name>.'


Angbor and his men must get to Minas Tirith, but the only acceptable road for such a force leads through the south-gate of the Rammas, which is held by a large enemy force.

Objective 1

A friend of Gondor operates a secret ferry across the river among the reeds that border the Anduin, on the eastern side of Lossarnach.

Angbor has asked you to enter Ithilien by yourself while he seeks to assail Harlond with his army.

Angbor: 'My scouts learned that a friend of Gondor operates a secret ferry to the east, among the high reeds that border the river. Find her and see if she will bring you across the river into Ithilien, <name>.
The woman guardedly considers you as you approach

Objective 2

You have discovered the secret ferry in the reeds that border the Anduin, and should speak to the ferrywoman.

Luntil: 'You approach from the west? I have seen precious few foe-men come from that way. Most enemies of Gondor come from the east. Why do you seek to cross the river?'
You tell the woman that you have important tidings of the war, but have sworn to give them only to Gandalf the Wizard or Faramir of Minas Tirith.
'I suspected as much, and will not ask for you to break your vow. I have not seen any Wizards in these parts, and the name Gandalf is unknown to me, but Faramir has spent more time of late ranging in the woods of Ithilien than he has in the White City. You are welcome to use my boat, and to have this advice: seek for Faramir and his rangers at Bâr Húrin, to the east. I ask only this: defeat any Haradrim you encounter in Ithilien. They are a danger to my friends and my kingdom.'

Objective 3

You have been given permission to cross into Ithilien and seek Faramir's rangers at Bâr Húrin, as long as you defeat Haradrim in those woods as you go.

Luntil: 'Faramir has spent more time of late ranging in the woods of Ithilien than he has in the White City. You are welcome to use my boat, and to have this advice: seek for Faramir and his rangers at Bâr Húrin, to the east. I ask only this: defeat any Haradrim you encounter in Ithilien. They are a danger to my friends and my kingdom.'
Defeated Haradrim in South Ithilien (10/10)

Objective 4

You have crossed into Ithilien and seek Faramir's rangers at Bâr Húrin.

A Gondorian man calls your name, and beckons to you

Objective 5

  • Talk to Duilin at Bâr Húrin, in South Ithilien

A Gondorian man has called your name, wanting to speak with you in Bâr Húrin, in South Ithilien.

Duilin: 'I knew it was you the moment you came to this place! The Rangers of Ithilien have been watching your progress through the woods, speaking of your deeds, and my brother and I have been looking forward to meeting you!
'I am Duilin, and this is my brother Derufin. We are no Rangers! We are from the Blackroot Vale, far west of here, and we marched to Minas Tirith with our father when the beacons were lit. And then... nothing. Sitting in idleness while excitement happens elsewhere has never been to either of our tastes, so we escaped from the White City and crossed the river in secret.
'Now we seek adventure!'