Quest:Armour for the Lessers

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Armour for the Lessers
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts at Tol Ascarnen
Starts with Quartermaster Apsduf
[16.0S, 17.4W]
Ends at Tol Ascarnen
Ends with Quartermaster Apsduf
[16.0S, 17.4W]
Money Reward 20 Silver 14 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (60)
Commendations 100 Commendations
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Tol Ascarnen Creep
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Listen well, maggot. I'm working on getting protection on the vermin around us. Many think my idea foolish, but you've no opinion worth hearing... so you'll do as I say.

'Get the chitin from the little bugs hereabouts and return it to me so I can make it into suitable armour for Wargs and spiders.'


Quartermaster Apsduf believes that the lesser creatures in Angmar's army -- spiders and Wargs -- need armour and thinks that he can assist them by crafting armour from the chitin of the Neekerbreekers nearby.

Objective 1

Nerbyg, also called Neekerbreekers, dwell near the river banks.

Quartermaster Apsduf directed you to collect chitin to craft the armour he intends for the Wargs and spiders.

Objective 2

Nerbyg, also called Neekerbreekers, dwell near the river banks.

Quartermaster Apsduf directed you to collect chitin to craft the armour he intends for the Wargs and spiders.

Quartermaster Apsduf: 'We shall soon know if the chitin is worth crafting into armour for the vermin. Should this work, perhaps I can convince the War-tyrant to use them in our battle. You have earned a good word from me, <name>.'