Quest:A Mystery Deferred

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A Mystery Deferred
Level 73
Type Solo
Starts with Brifard
Starts at Parth Celebrant
Start Region Great River
Map Ref [26.7S, 58.3W]
Ends with Idmar
Ends at Idmar's Camp
End Region Great River
Map Ref [28.5S, 56.8W]
Quest Group Parth Celebrant
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Now that you have the reeds, my work here is done. My captain, Idmar, and his men were patrolling along this road. They told me they were keeping watch on the brigands to the south, but would not tell me more of their charge. I wonder if there is more afoot than they were willing to speak?

'As for myself, I must attend to other matters. I should be with Idmar, bringing the fight to those brigands, but once again, I am left with the most uninteresting tasks.

'Bring these reeds south to Idmar...I am certain someone will return them to Stangard. For now, farewell.'


Brifard has finished his task to gather reeds with your help. The arrogance of the man is nearly overwhelming, and it would be a relief to be gone from him.

Objective 1

Idmar and his scouts are along the road to the south.

Brifard requests that you head south to meet his captain, Idmar, who has travelled with his men to deal with a mysterious task.

Brifard: 'Go find Idmar and his men'
You see a Rohirrim soldier on the ground nearby...perhaps this is one of Idmar's men?

Objective 2

You have come across a fallen Rohirrim. You should examine him and determine what fate befell him.

Enraged Shade says, "Invaders on the field! To arms!"

Objective 3

  • Search the road for idmar and his men

Uncertain what remains of the scouting party Brifard mentioned, you should continue south along the road and search for Idmar or any other Rohirrim.

Idmar: 'Greetings, stranger. I am Idmar, captain of the watchers of Parth Celerant. What brings you here?
Idmar accepts the reeds and puts them aside, then looks suddenly stone-faced as you relay your tale.
'Dead? At the hands of a spirit? This bodes poorly for us. You see, my men and I have been investigating a matter which we wish to keep as much a secret as possible.
'Here, take your wage for providing us these reeds. Brifard weil be disiplined for shirking his duties...again. Allow me a moment, and I shall tell you more.'