NPC Lore-master Trainer

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This page is used by all Lore-master Trainer NPCs.

See Class Trainer for more information.
Name Settlement Region
Cuthbert Rook Archet Bree-land
Dalton Willow Bree Bree-land
Lore-master Trainer Training Hall (Bree) Bree-land
Barton Tanner Combe Bree-land
Lore-master Trainer Galtrev Dunland
Orthonn Harndirion Enedwaith
Athradir Celondim Ered Luin
Dourhand (Intro) Frerin's Court Ered Luin
Ráthorm Gondamon Ered Luin
Ivy Spokes Thorin's Hall - The Maker's Hall Ered Luin
Handelleth Echad Mirobel Eregion
Celairen Tinnudir Evendim
Lithuifin The Eavespires Evendim
Cenlieg Kauppa-kohta Forochel
Sana Sûri-kylä Forochel
Glorennidh Caras Galadhon Lothlórien
Romloth Ost Galadh Mirkwood
Ettela The Twenty-first Hall Moria
Angwun Ox-clan Merchant Camp Nan Curunír
Gwalothir Esteldín Central Courtyard North Downs
Glambaen Lin Giliath North Downs
Lore-master Trainer Lhan Garan Swanfleet
Shepherd Snowden Michel Delving The Shire
Elwen The Last Homely House Trollshaws
Trainer Harwick Barracks The Wold
Trainer Forlaw Training Hall Wildermore
Trainer Snowbourn East Rohan
Trainer Aldburg West Rohan
Trainer Dol Amroth Western Gondor
Trainer Arnach Eastern Gondor
Trainer Minas Tirith Old Anórien
Trainer Pelargir King's Gondor

Quest Involvement

