Little Wonders

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Deed Lore

While patrolling the Gloomglens, you were amazed to find items clearly belonging to hobbit-folk, however rustic.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

  • Find a hobbit-arrow in the Gloomglens
This rough-hewn arrow either belonged to a small child or hobbit -- the make indicates a hobbit.
These boots, while crude and rustic in design, are clearly of Stoor-make.
  • Find a hobbit-bucket in the Gloomglens
This little bucket might have been the toy of a child, but if so the maker took great pains to make it labour-worthy.
  • Find a hobbit-skeleton in the Gloomglens
This skeleton is clear evidence that hobbits live or once-lived in the Gloomglens
  • Find a hobbit-pick in the Gloomglens
This mining pick is certainly an implement of hobbit-make.
  • Find a hobbit-bow in the Gloomglens
Hobbits were once known as great archers, but now they are better known for gardening...this bow suggests that there are still hunters among them.


   10 LOTRO Points
   Stoor Boots
   <name>, Little Wonder
   1000 Virtue Experience
   Increased Reputation with Algraig, Men of Enedwaith ( 500 )

Additional Information


Coordinates Directions / Description
[64.3S, 22.2W] Hobbit-arrow
[61.3S, 19.2W] Hobbit-boots
[63.3S, 22.2W] Hobbit-bucket
[63.3S, 22.6W] Hobbit-skeleton
[64.6S, 20.4W] Hobbit-pick
[63.7S, 23.0W] Hobbit-bow