Social:Kinships of Brandywine
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This article is a Kinship information page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official LOTRO history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The kinships and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
- AndMyAxe - Just a couple of wool-headed sheepherders bumbling our way through Middle-Earth in an attempt to escape life, "one-up" each other and have a good time. Our hours are whenever our kids go to bed and our wives are busy watching Netflix.
- Atani - Formed long ago in the age of beta. Making a resurgence.
- Australian Gods of War - Australian based kin, with other kin members in the same timezone.
- Bane of the Shadow - A small role-playing guild open to all races, made up mostly of casual players. We focus on working with our fellow kinsmen and assisting other players in true Middle-Earth character. Contact Mortirn or Weston.
- Beakon of Hope - A lifespan 10 kinship accepting all classes, races, levels.
- Bounder Secret Service - Small but mighty! We are a guild of able bodied hobbits who are out to save the bounds of Eriador! Come join us and restore peace to Arda! Middle Earth is calling! Message Lallee; she can sign you up!
- ~BBC~ Brandywine Brewing Co - We are a mature, mixed class and mixed race kinship with our own kinship house. We currently have 30+ unique, active members and we are always looking for more people that want to share in our goal of having fun and building friendships!
- Bree Trade Company - A trading kinship looking for people deep into crafts. Want to take control of the market. Last time I checked they were in dire need of woodsmen. Note, they will not help you with quests.
- Brotherhood of Mercenaries - A small, tightly knit kinship. We're based primarily on helping each other out and socializing, though we don't mind a bit of hardcore grinding and raiding on the side. We've been around as a kinship proper since open beta and our founders are veterans of closed beta 2 so we know the game and are always willing to help new members. Look up Teaster or Theodryt for more next time you're in game.
- A Bygone Age - Bygone Age is a R9 new kin dedicated to moving the content at a snails pace. Level cap allowed for joining is 50, as we will be working on the SoA content, and moving forward as a kin. Please contact Nasbog,via mail or pst, and we will get you into the Kin.
- Caliquendi - We are a mature player guild dedicated to assisting other guild members. We have a Kinship house, with 3 storage boxes for community storage. Boxes are open to active members as well as guild storage vault. No class, race or crafting restrictions but we ask you are at least 18 to join. If interested message Gogalad, Earandolfin or Wivenrond and ask for admittance. The more active you are and the more dedicated you are to helping other members the quicker you will gain higher rank.
- Carpe Aurum - Close-knit mature friend-and-family guild which has in one form or another passed through UO, EQ, SWG, WoW, and other smaller MMOs. No class, race, or build restrictions; we believe you should play what you enjoy playing. Built around a hardcore inner circle which pushes the content envelope, but friendly to casuals as well. We never actively recruit, but often extend offers to long-term associates who fit in well.
- Cart O' Gnomes - A small kinship of experienced players. Anyone with active voice chat will learn the words "Game Experience May Change During Online Play" refers to Cart O' Gnomes. There is no active recruiting; but if you quest with us, and still want to join, you'll be up for immediate consideration. Any tale of a hilarious death is a plus. No node ninjas.
- Comitatus - Comitatus is a close-knit mature friendly kin with players of all levels and experience we love crafting No class, race restrictions. The more active you are and the more dedicated you are to helping other members the quicker you will gain higher rank.
- Dain's Hammer - Akka^ Belkulu Dain-Uzbad! I am Kveni Thickskull, proud dwarf of the Grey Mountains and leader of the rank 10 all dwarf kinship Dain's Hammer. We are a band of bearded bros with axes and ale. Our kinhouse is dwarf themed and we teach basic dwarvish to all members. Care to join? Death to orcs and elves! We are on the Brandywine Server.
- Dark Empire - We are a small kinship located on the Brandywine server of Lord of the Rings. Striving for excellence, in all aspects of the game, is one of our goal's as we continue to grow in this game. Teamwork is a must to accomplish many of the goals in Lord of the Rings. Crafting, questing, or just general adventuring are a lot more fun with Kinship members than alone.
- Defenders of Middle Earth - We are a small role playing guild looking to grow. We are friendly, family oriented (no foul language) always willing to help each other out and once in a while have events that we host amongst our kin with stories, games and drinks of course. We want active, relaxed players who enjoy role playing and are looking to make new friends. New or experienced players are all welcome. If interested in joining please send in game tells or mail to...... Peonybumbleroot or Williamfernway. We are also looking for a webmaster to create us a great site! Thanks for taking a peek, hunt well and be safe friends.
- Del Fuego - Small and exclusive kinship. Not recruiting.
- The Delvers of Dark Places - Founded on 24 December 2012, The Delvers of Dark Places are a kinship for anyone and everyone. We accept casual and hardcore players and make no preference for any particular race or class. We have members ranging all degrees of level and MMO experience. If you're interesting in joining a great group of players, contact Astarthor, Brandenford, or Asherrond. Outside of LOTRO, we maintain a FB page to keep in touch and when we have a few more members, we'll invest in Teamspeak or Ventrilo.
- Den of Thieves Shire's own association of local Hobbits that do a bit of crafting at home and at all odd hours of the day and night sneak out to burglar some treasure.
- Dimicateo Ac Creo - We are an elite kinship who is focused on crafting/trade and renown. All members must be 48+, have maxed out all crafting abilities and be available to raid when the kinship schedules it. Finally, we take no prisoners and harbor no castaways we only live to battle and brew.
- Dragon's Folly - We are a band of friends and family that have come together from many games such as UO, EQ, EQ2, DAOC, WoW, SWG, Horizons that have looked into the future and have foreseen the greatness that is LOTRO. We stand for maturity, loyalty, casualty and fun. From time to time, we allow for mature humor and very often, and sometimes, the inmates run the ward. We are not mainstream recruiters, meaning you find us, and we press more upon you as an individual, since we view all as part of our web of friends and family once your with the folly. We hope to cross paths with you on Brandywine. We are also Ventrilo Ready.
- Dragon's Wrath - Dragon's Wrath is an endgame kinship on the Brandywine server committed to exploring every area of the game and destroying the indigenous creatures that dwell in them. We have a relaxed atmosphere (except maybe some relentless teasing if you fall in the green water one too many times). We are a mature kinship (players age 20+). Couples welcome.
- Dutch Striders - Dutch Striders is een Nederlandse Kinship. Vanaf januari 2017 opgestart met als doel Nederlandse gamers te recruiteren en met elkaar een vorm aan de kinship te gaan geven. Moet zelfs nog aan deze vermelding gaan werken maarrr ... het begin is er. Stuur een berichtje naar Gergawar als je mee wilt doen. Alle craftings-faciliteiten zijn al aanwezig.
- Empire of the Sun - We are a friendly and social kin who welcomes players of all ages and experience. When you are kin you are family.
- The E.L.F. - Eriador Liberation Front - We're an open group of hardcore and casual gamers who focus on teamwork and just having fun. We're as apt to be at a social gathering or out on a raid. Check us out and see what ya think!
- Guardians of Fangorn - The Guardians of Fangorn are a kinship of players that respect the family. Therefore, we have created a charter to guide our players and officers in order to maintain a friendly positive environment to play in. We have people who like to craft, quest, fellowship, and RAID. Our officers take an active roll in helping the new players to LOTRO as well as those players that are experience with the game. Looking for a family friendly kin, look no further. Send a in game tell or mail to one of our officers: Lenamay, Stoutash, or Jackimay. We are looking forward to playing with you.
- Guardians of Middle Earth (GOME) - We are a Rank 8 Kinship with a fun active crew.
- The Guild of the Fighting Catfish (GOTFCF) - We are a Kinship that looks to develop a strong community and assist newer players by introducing them to veteran players. As soon as we advance in rank, we hope to obtain a kin house
- Lotro Latino/Hijos del Sur - Kinships Latinas, somos varios amigos que nos gusta el end game y antes nos encontrabamos en Silverlode.
- The Hammerfist Clan - Check out the website. THC is a casual gaming community. If you like to adventure, take your time, and actually immerse yourself in the content, while sharing fun times with mature minded players like yourself. Then they're just what you're looking for.
- Hobbits of the Happy House - A wee kinship of Shire folk and adopted friends of Man, Dwarf and Elf. No matter how small we aim to conquer. After our battles we can be traced to one of the many local pubs in the Shire, sitting back enjoying a few good laughs and some of the great Shire Meads.
- Holmegard Whitefeather - Focused on resource utilization, Holmegard Whitefeather recruits in VERY small numbers (one or two of each class/craft). We pride ourselves in teamwork, sportsmanship and positive contribution to the Brandywine server.
- House of Ecthelion - A new kinship...We are now rank 4 and counting! we have about 40 members, and the social environment is already great! We are just a rag-tag group of players rounded up from hours of asking in /Regional if anyone wanted to join a fun new kinship! This is a great group of players to be around! Pst me in-game for invite..Dreod! See you in the battle against Sauron's dark forces!
- House of Lords - A fledgling kinship with fun members who are always looking to have a good time. Join for some great companions and advice as you explore Middle Earth. Quel marth
- HP Risktakers - An amazing guild created at GaTech. Consists mostly of Howell members who quit WoW is search of a new MMO.
- Hunting Blades - A fun-loving, social, and newly-formed kinship made for the purpose of entertainment. We do not take Role-playing serious within the kin. We just want to have a good time and play some LOTRO. Contact ------> Lorvin
- The Illuminati - A shadowy network of uniquely skilled players working in loose coordination to achieve hidden ends and enhance the power of its members. A Brandywine server conspiracy.
- Iluvatar's Grace - Iluvatar's Grace is a kinship that is looking for people prone to Role play, grouping and helping each other. Our goal is to have fun in role playing our characters in the environment that is provided by the Lord of the Rings. We are a small group as of yet, but always welcoming of new people who are willing to have fun and do things with the kinship.
- Immortal Souls - Born from the bones of Crimson Blades, Immortal Souls is a mature outlook social kin with a global footprint. We do our best to help each kinmate to enjoy LOTRO as much as possible. We run under a charter of conduct and have the usual kin trappings: T10 kin, Kin house, Web page and Discord channel, we invite all players to join us. Contact Pinn, Thangaer, Triqui, Severmaine, Arumelda or Gweasley for an invite or give us a shout in /world.
- The Ithilien Rangers - The Ithilien Rangers - European and Turkish based kinship. The Ithilien Rangers is a fun, casual, no pressure, RP friendly and mature kinship who are always looking for players willing to unite against the Dark Lord Sauron. We are a kin with history in Middle-Earth. We are a kin based on the history of Middle-Earth and our site has much lore and history. We are a kinship that are based on Middle-Earth along with its History and the current War of the Ring. Join the One Kin to Rule All. Send the Leader or any Officer a /tell in-game.
- Keepers of the Greenwood- A small and fairly active kinship around 20 active members. Is a laid back and friendly kin with a kin house, often ideal for new players who need a little extra help in the game.
- Kings of the Elder Days - A rather new Kinship in Middle Earth, focusing our influence in Bree-land and outer areas. Primarily expanding in numbers, liberating the lands of Middle-Earth, helping others level up and having fun in LOTRO ! In the Bradywine server, you'll most likely see our guild in central Bree-Land! We help other members achieve things difficult to do by your self and lend a hand with other situation ! Kings of the Elder Days is the right Kinship for any casual or hardcore LOTRO player !
- Legends - This is a new Kinship
- LEGIONE INFUOCATA ITALIANA - Gilda nata per raccogliere sotto un'unica bandiera quanti più possibili players italiani nel server Brandywine. Se siete italiani ed avete interesse a far parte della nostra kinship non esitate e contattateci subito: siamo aperti sia a casual gamers che ad hardocore gamers. Non aspettiamo altro che condividere ore ed ore di gioco e momenti divertenti e spensierati con tutti voi che state cercando una gilda per giocare assieme!! ;) .
- Light of Earendil - A positive kinship which welcomes members who love crafting, skirmishing and chatting. Light of Earendil chats via both vent and kin chat box (whichever members prefer). A younger kin--we are rapidly growing and welcome new members to kinship.
- Light of Valinor - Light of Valinor is a small friendly kinship that focuses on helping new players raise their ranks rapidly. We like to keep everyone at equal standing (the rank of Officer) to avoid any form of hierarchy and we are holding a poll for where we would like to have our future kinship house. If you find yourself stuck on any quests, don't be afraid too ask our two highest level members Aradread and Anenlad for assistance. Please message our leader, Anenlad to join. Anyone is humbly welcome by our ranks.
- Lions of Judah - The Lions of Judah is a strong Christian Kinship on the Brandywine Server that has been around since Beta. We wish to foster a positive, clean and encouraging environment for Christians within the Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) game. The Lions of Judah primarily exist to Glorify God, and encourage fellowship among Christians in the MMORPG sector. Our motto is God first, games second. We also desire to create an environment that is casual, non-pressuring and fun. We strive to be family-safe, and promote positive family values. We are big into helping each other out, and serving all other LOTRO players in anyway possible.
- Maethor Akallabeth We are The Warriors of the Downfallen. A casual, family friendly kinship that enjoys playing in this Lord of the Rings based MMO. We respect all play styles because there is no wrong way to play LOTRO. Look for one of the following officers in game for an invite: Daeranoth, Stocborn, Folstag, or Roywyn.
- The Melomeanies - Dworfs only. We believe in monitoring others in-game movements. We are not that Active.
- Midnight Mushroom Hunters - Midnight Mushroom Hunters is a friendly rank 10 kinship that exists to help all players of all styles and classes and levels enjoy LoTRO. We have members of all levels and skills with all crafting abilities. We enjoy helping new and old alike. Instances are ran on a regular basis at all levels. To join visit our website, or msg an officer ( Ayevee, Sundin, Doldin, Dunehard, Edwind, Elerthad, Rugongrod ) in game, or ask for one in world chat, we'd be more than happy to pull you in.
- Mithrandir's Cohorts - Mithrandir's Cohorts is recruiting. We are a family friendly, Christian based kin. We are a R10 kin with a kin house, discord, and website. We enjoy various and numerous aspects of the game. We are looking to bolster our ranks. For more info or if you are interested in joining contact an officer in game, or visit
- NASA - NASA is a kinship formed during the LotRO open beta who intend to quickly level and begin raiding as soon as possible.
- New Outriders - NOR, created in 1992, boasts being one of the oldest Guilds online . It was created in the days of Shadow of Yserbius and its members can be found in almost every MMO, including large branches in EQ2, WOW, DDO, Vanguard, and LOTRO. We are a tightly knit group of players whose goal is to have fun and help others do the same. We welcome new recuits, but each recuit undergoes a trial period before being awarded full membership. This ensures that each member will uphold the NOR ideals and represent NOR both in gameplay and in attitude. Feel free to check out our site and register if you are interested in joining this generous and friendly family circle.
- Order of Middle Earth - OME is a large, casual kinship with a family feel, founded in early 2008. Our friends in the order are varied in playstyle and in-game interest. While we are a casual kin we do host weekly raids and a number of other events that appeal to players of all levels and class. Our officers are friendly and knowledgeable and are always on hand to assist with questions and gameplay. We are always seeking new friends to join our ranks. We don't suck much.
- Rangers of Arnor - A small, tight knit kin of mature gamers. We are working our way towards raiding but all styles of play are welcome.
- Rangers Of Middle Earth - We are a casual friendly kin with no strict rules that enjoy helping each other whenever we can and just enjoy playing the game. We are a level 10 Kinship and accept players of all ages, types, class, race, and level. If interested please send a tell in game and visit our website for more information.
- The Red Council - The Red Council Kinship is a friendly, mostly 21 years and over group; active in crafting, questing and raiding. We have players at all levels and encourage our members to take part in regular kin activities, fellow often with other members and help out when needed. We do a balanced variety of activities and are not all about end game raiding, if you're looking for an adult kin that likes to just have fun and play together (at all levels), this is the place.
- Riders Of Middle-Earth - A small kinship of players who's leader and sucessor have been together since level 1 practically. We have always talked about having a kin that is open to all, and for any type of player. You will always find a helping hand and will always feel welcome in our kinship. If you are interested in joining us PST: Ayelow, Marween, or Arzo (or let anyone else in the kin know that you have an interest in joining).
- Roxxi Manor Kinship - Moved to Arkenstone Server.
- Runic Knights - A casual kinship on the Brandywine server. We have a wide range of players. So there will be plenty of roles to fill from raiding to crafting specialties.
- Second Breakfast - We transferred to Arkenstone.
- Seekers of the Precious- A BRAND NEW kinship formed in January 2014, Seekers of the Precious are now approaching Rank 7 and already have a kin house lined up to buy in a few days time. Although not currently a recruiting kin, once officially set up the kin will welcome all members of any level or experience above the age of 18, provided they have a good sense of humour and show true team spirit and a willingness to help. Any enquiries can be addressed to kin leader Ninabela or next in command Aldirion,
- Social:Shire_Farm - A family kin run by the Goodenough Clan of the Shire, out of the Golden Perch in Stock.
- Society of Acorn Collectors - A small group of family and friends who enjoy questing, crafting, and festivals! Come visit our kinship house: 9 Chestwood St. Wilstead, Bree-land Homesteads.
- So End Our Foes - A bunch of skilled players, ranging from casual to hardcore -- out to chew some bubble gum and kick some ___, and we're all out of bubble gum. Note-This guild is one of the oldest mmo guilds starting in Everquest 1 and moving from mmo to mmo.
- Southside Drinkin N Fightin Club - Our goal is to find unfriendly, immature players. Southside is run by three sisters, and we will be totally unkind and unhelpful to all our new recruits! Contact Scriabin, Binkriel, or Signa in game for an invite!
- Spartan Army - The Spartan Army is an elite army of the Free Peoples consisting mainly of men from the remote island of Sparta and also some of the best fighters of Middle-Earth, hand-picked from Bree, Rohan, and Gondor. It also contains a few Elven, Dwarven, and Hobbit warriors. The Spartan Army's goal is to wipe out the Enemy.
- Steez - We are an intentionally small Kinship. We are currently around 50 members. We intend to remain about this size altho we would be happy to be up to about 100 members. Being purely democratic, this can and will change at anytime that we have a meeting and decide to alter it. Majority rules, of course! The only true way to 'KNOW' any group is to observe them from the inside, out. Feel free to contact us and join in the fun for a coupla weeks when you can finally decide if we suit you and your play. You are most welcome to test drive us..
- Swords of Eönwë - Swords of Eönwë is a kinship focused on group questing and level progression. Additionally, we focus some of our time on crafting and gathering / sharing resources in order to progress our crafting skills as a group. We're not a hardcore kinship, but members are recommended to try and find other members that play at the same times so they can play together consistently. We may expand in the future to cover scheduled raids of end-game content. To apply, please visit the website.
- The Thirteenth Legion - If you are looking for both a kin that is into End Game Raiding and Social events look no further. “The Thirteenth Legion” is a Rank 10 Kinship with a Website, Ventrilo and Ally channel, which we use to form large groups on a consistent basis. We are welcoming to all classes and levels and offer our knowledge and encouragement to all members. For more information you can contact Officers Johnno, Pitviper, Saelielanor, Cindelish, or Cercyon for more information in game.
- Thorin's Dragon Slayers - Small, casual, friendly kinship. Always looking for like-minded recruits. Mature players. Focus on teamwork, respecting fellow players, helping others, and having fun exploring all that Lotro has to offer.
- Trinity - Founded by a council of 3 who share leadership responsibilities equally. Though Trinity is a trio +1 group of friends, we focus on gameplay, questing, and are now begining to raid and focus less on using LoTRO as a "hangout", a problem we encountered with our former kinship. With only 4 active members as of Oct. 21, 08 we are looking to add 1 or 2, and ONLY 1 or 2, to our ranks. We avoid becoming a large kinship which can allow some players to fall through the cracks. If interested contact Findreth, Pendor, or Mimzee.
- Vagabonde - A light role-playing guild open to all races and all levels, made up mostly of older casual players. We are fairly new and still recruiting members to build a strong RP Kinship on the Brandywine server. Friendly, Helpful and all about having fun. Contact Furbo,Derge,Skroof,Gorignack,Kiaira,Wrenwyn or Ellereth about becoming a member.
- Wardens of Autumn - Formerly "Gondothlim Guard", Wardens of Autumn is calling out to all! Join us and be surrounded by friends and kin, Enjoy Premium Belfalas Housing with crafting benches, and run Max Level content and reap the rewards. We are LBGTQ+ Friendly! Any and all levels are accepted. We share the belief all races have a home with us in Middle Earth, we may be newer, but the call to guard the realms of all free-folk has never been stronger. Contact Saedrid, CarCrashWeather, Zheza, or Zianora for an invite or info!
- Warriors of Living Force (WoLF) - the Warriors of Living Force (WoLF) is a casual rank 10 kinship currently recruiting all levels classes and play styles! We are a very friendly group of veteran players and some newbies of course ;) looking for good friends to join us in our adventures around middle earth. If you would like more information or are looking for an invite give us a howl we would love to have you join us. Send an in game tell to Arderien, Reenie, Stormwine, or Corylis if you would like to join our ranks. Happy Hunting and see you in game soon!
- THE WATCHERS OF ERIADOR - are a new kin just started and growing every day! currently we have 20 members all who are willing to help with any ones quests talk to orostarr to join.
- WATCHERS OF THE MOON - is a very small play for fun guild founded and run by a husband and wife team. We play nice, are honest and help each other out. We are currently playing with family and friends; but would welcome new friends! Find Melisaandre; she can help!
- Way of the Valiant - Way of the Valiant is one of the oldest and largest, continuously active kinships on the Lord of the Rings Online, Brandywine server. We are a focused, casual kinship welcoming all play styles, levels and classes. Positive, fun kin member relationships are at the heart of our kinship, and end game group runs are the core of kinship sustainability. The size of the kinship is not as important to us as the quality of the kinship, but our goal is to always have enough active players to keep kinship members engaged with their play style and fill end game PvE group content. We are working hard every day to prepare for our upcoming assault on Mordor and would like you to join us in battle.
- Wraith's Bane - Rank 9 kinship and only lightly active. currently only two members and will likely stay that way as we are only active during the weekends, but if anyone is interested in joining send a message to Boomden or Atrixia.
- Young Souls Of Mischief (The) - A guild on the Brandywine server focused on protecting outcasts of Eriador. A very secretive guild that randomly sends out Armor pieces and weapons to burglars. This guild doesn't openly recruit, but accepts all who want to join, per the guilds creed statement. Guild philosiphy is built around relationships, lore, and trust. Kasual Babel is is the founder and co-leader of this guild. His co-lead, and good friend Galtir, have a very deep history. There has already been a lot of lore written on these two characters, and a peek at there biography's in game is said to tell a very interesting story. Role playing ideals mixed with common sociological control limits, makes this guild very functional, very creative, and very fun to be a part of. Functionally this guild acts as a very intricate fabric of relationships, that looks sloppy on the surface. No rules, No limits, and No bosses have made The Young Souls of Mischief a very intrigueing guild for those with no place to call home and no one to call a friend...
Disbanded or Inactive Kinships or Tribes of Brandywine
The following kinships or tribes are believed to be inactive or have disbanded. They are being listed here for historical reference.