Item:Inn League Keg

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Inn League Keg
  • Bind to Account on Acquire
  • Decoration Category: Furniture, Yard, Mobile Yard
  • On Use:
  • Drinking this brandy may not be the safest thing you could do.
  • Duration: 10s
  • Applied on expiration:
  • You feel a bit woozy... more brandy will solve that!
    Duration: 15s
  • "A Hobbit keg, full to the brim with triple strength brandy. Drink this at your own risk."
  • Worth: 1 Silver 88 Copper 

Quest Information

This item is a selectable reward for the following quest(s):

Effect Information

Drinking from the keg applies the effect  Party Time.


Drunken Destinations

--- Party Time "It's Party Time! You feel an irresistible urge to find a Party... somewhere."

--- Wha...wait...what? Where?

--- Huh? Where's my Pants? --- "You seem to have misplaced your pants. This makes you sad."

Party Locations
Place Drunkenness Cleared mind
In the Boar Fountain in Bree
Inside the Cat Lady's House in Bree
In Budgeford's Pig Pen in the Shire
In the Basement of the Forsaken Inn in the Lone-lands
At Norbury Gates of Fornost, in the North Downs
At an Iceberg in Forochel
On the Giant's Needle in Misty Mountains
In the Sparring Circle in Ost Forod in Evendim
In Rushock Bog in the Shire
Under Trestlebridge in the North Downs
At Weathertop in the Lone-lands