Isendeep Mine

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Type: Mine
Region: Ettenmoors
Area: Arador's End
Location: [12.2S, 15.1W]


The Isendeep Mine is a landmark in the Ettenmoors. Located in the shadows of the Mountains of Angmar, the Isendeep was first mined when the Dwarves at the Delving of Frór discovered the rich ore veins in the rocks of Arador's End. Mining activities have greatly decreased since that time, and the mine is mostly stone, although some deposits of ore yet remain. With the conflict between the Coldfells Army and the Army of Angmar escalating in the areas to the south, the Isendeep has now become an underground battlefield where dwarves and goblins strive to secure the last remaining ore resources.

Recently, the drake-brood of Grodris, Matron of the Wintersebb, has taken over the Isendeep Mine, withholding its vast resources from both contesting armies. If defeated, the drake-matron will grant her slayers the following temporary effect:


The mines lie in a spur of the Misty Mountains in the furthest north-east of Ettenmoors. There are three entrances; one to the west leading to the goblin-village of Grothum, one to the south into Arador's End and one to the west opening a passage to Gramsfoot. Within the mine there are several large caverns holding ore deposits and a few smaller side caves. Isendeep Mine is the main source of unrefined ore desired by Angmar and the Free Peoples to forge spare weaponry and armour, and it also contains several Brilliant Skarn Deposits for eager miners to discover that yield Gundabad Skarn.

NPCs and Quests

The Isendeep Mine has been taken by Grodris and her brood. Defeating her will grant a temporary boon to the side that dealt the killing blow to the drake queen. In oder to anger Grodris into attacking, a certain number of her brood must first be slain. Grodris will then land in the northernmost cave of the mine and can be attacked. It is recommended to bring a full raid to defeat Grodris.

Freep Quests

Creep Quests


There are a number of creatures stalking the mines which owe no allegiance to either side and will attack both, if provoked:
