Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)

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Deed Lore

Complete many quests in Southern Mirkwood.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

Complete quests in Southern Mirkwood (30)
The power that broods in the tower of Dul Guldur is terrible beyond reckoning. The Elves of Lórien have done much good in their bold march through the black groves of Mirkwood, but even the light of the Galadhrim cannot dispel the darkness that has settled here.


   15 LOTRO Points
   30 Marks
   2000 Virtue Experience
   Increased Reputation with Malledhrim ( 700 )

Deed Chain Information

  1. Into the Black and Twisted Forest
  2. Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate)
  3. Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced)

Additional Information