Gwyllion, Old Woman of the Mountain (Skirmish)

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This page is about Gwyllion in the skirmish Storm on Methedras. For Gwyllion in Enedwaith, see Gwyllion, Old Woman of the Mountain
Gwyllion, Old Woman of the Mountain
General of the Enemy
Level: 20 - 150
Instance: Storm on Methedras

Type: Varies
Genus: Man
Species: Dunlending

Morale: Varies
Power: Varies
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Feeble
F.M. Immune: False
Stun/Mez Imm.: True
Root Immune: True
Cry: Good
Song: Good
Tactical: Good
Physical: Good
Common: Remarkable AncientDwarf: Remarkable
Fire: Remarkable Beleriand: Remarkable
Light: Remarkable Westernesse: Remarkable
Shadow: Remarkable Frost: Remarkable
Lightning: Remarkable

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( 95 )  


Gwyllion, Old Woman of the Mountain is the final boss of the skirmish Storm on Methedras.

Her level and power/health depends on the level and tier of the skirmish you are doing.


 Acidic Poison
 Gwyllion's Touch
 Clutches of the Hag
 Clutches of the Hag

Quest Involvement


"Do you think you have hindered me, Duvodiad? Never!"
"You have done nothing but incur my wrath! Behold your doom!"
"Echrud, destroy these interlopers!"
"Echrud, no! You have slain my beloved you will die!"
"My pets! No!"
"The White Hand will crush you!"