Dâr Matum

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This page is about Dâr Matum during the Dawnless Day. For Dâr Matum in the summer months later, see Dâr Matum (King's Gondor)
Dâr Matum
Type: Ruins
Region: Central Gondor
Area: Ringló Vale
Location: [69.0S, 52.0W]


Dâr Matum is a landmark in the Ringló Vale in Central Gondor. [69.0S, 52.0W] They contain an entrance to the public dungeon of Nimrond.


Old ruins in the western reaches of the Ringló Vale have recently been occupied by the Ruthless Dead who invaded the vale shortly before the Dawnless Day.


Involving: Requires completion of A Commanding Knock and Arvaethor's Patrol:

  1. [100] The Dead Descend
  2. [100] The Unnatural Pact
  3. [100] The Deep Dark
  4. [100] A Ruthless End
    [100] Instance: A Ruthless End
  5. [100] Conflict in Dor-en-Ernil vector to Linhir


The following deeds can be advanced by visiting this place:


The following creatures can be found at this location: