Cuthraul and Elhudan-slayer

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Deed Lore

Defeat Cuthraul and Elhudan in Enedwaith.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

Defeat Cuthraul and Elhudan in Enedwaith. (90)
There is little more mysterious in the region of Enedwaith than the dark Cuthraul and the wisps called the Elhudan ... But you do not fear them.


   5 LOTRO Points
   <name>, Banisher of Spirits
   Increased Reputation with The Grey Company ( 500 )

Deed Chain Information

  1. Cuthraul and Elhudan-slayer
  2. Cuthraul and Elhudan-slayer (Advanced)

Player Tips

  • Cuthraul and Elhudan can be found in the Mournshaws and Windfells areas of Enedwaith.
  • Gwyllion's Gate has a few cuthraul, but they share respawn timers with the druggavar. [62.9S, 14.2W]
  • A large concentration of Flickering Elhudan and Dancing Elhudan can be found near Oirnad Culch in the Mournshaws. [72.5S, 22.2W]
  • Elhudan sometimes create a very weak Summoned Elhudan which will also help speed up this deed.
  • Summoned Elhudan will increase the deed when they are defeated by the player, but not when the main Elhudan sacrifices it to regenerate.