Dunland Armour Sets

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Much of the armour awarded in Dunland, the Gap of Rohan, and Nan Curunír feature appearances unique to the region. These pieces can be assembled into nine different sets of armour, each corresponding to a particular class.


This set has been featured in the LOTRO Store as the Armour of the Thief-lord.

Head Shoulders
Dolen-helm Elain's Discarded Shoulder-guards
Dunland Marcher's Leather Helmet Hill-man's Cracked Leather Shoulder-guards
Hill-man's Cracked Leather Helm Leather Shoulder-guards of the Leaping Stag
Leather Helm of the Leaping Stag Lynx-hide Shoulderpads
Leather Helm of the Stoic Stag Nightshade Shoulderpads
Leather Helm of Isendale
Spearman's Singed Leather Helmet
Upperbody Gloves
Cugucham Dunland Marcher's Leather Gauntlets
Dial-crus Fel-durnvol
Dreng-bréost Hill-man's Cracked Leather Gauntlets
From-bréost Leather Gauntlets of the Leaping Stag
Hill-man's Cracked Leather Jacket Spearman's Singed Leather Gauntlets
Jacket of the Charging Stag Warrior's Buckled Gauntlets
Jacket of the Watch-tower
Lhan Tarren Jacket
Hill-man's Cracked Leather Boots
Scorched Ox-hide Boots
Dunbog Watcher's Studded Boots


This set has been featured on Middle Earth mannequins as the Set of the Lady's Charge.

Head Shoulders
Hardened Steel Dunlending Helmet Cellanc
Polished Helmet of the Dunland Shieldman Burnished Dunlending Pauldrons
Copper-Inlaid Helmet Engraved Iron Pauldrons
Forged-iron Dunlending Pauldrons
Silver-Plated Pauldrons
Upperbody Gloves
Forged-iron Dunlending Hauberk Dreng-folme
Fuinham Hardened Steel Dunlending Gauntlets
Hyrde-bréost Heavy Plated Dunlending Gauntlets
Polished Hauberk of the Dunland Shieldman Ornate Gauntlets of the Dunland Swordsman
Tempered Iron Hauberk Engraved Iron Gauntlets
Forged-iron Dunlending Boots
Hardened Steel Dunlending Boots
Polished Boots of the Dunland Shieldman


Head Shoulders
Dunlending's Grooved War Helmet Burnished Pauldrons of the Dunland Warlord
Helm of the Charging Stag Dented Pauldrons of the Dunland Clansman
Plate Helm of Trung Dreng Pauldrons of the Stoic Stag
Polished Shoulder-guards of the Dunland Shieldman
Rider's Steel Pauldrons
Upperbody Gloves
Battered Dunlending Chestguard Dunlending's Plated War Gauntlets
Burnished Dunlending Chestpiece Gauntlets of the Charging Stag
Burnished Hauberk of the Dunland Warlord Parch-durnvol
Chestpiece of the Charging Stag Theningaim
Chestplate of the Stoic Stag Dunland Berserker's Rusted Gauntlets
Battered Dunlending Boots
Boots of the Charging Stag
Rusted Boots of the Dunland Berserker
Copper-Inlaid Boots


Head Shoulders
Burnished Helmet of the Dunland Warlord Húranc
Dreng-helm Hyrde-axle
Dunlending's Polished War Helmet Ornate Pauldrons of the Dunland Swordsman
Engraved Iron Helmet Hardened Steel Dunlending Pauldrons
Ornate Helmet of the Dunland Swordsman
Scarred Helm of the Pren Gwydh Warrior
Upperbody Gloves
Copper-inlaid Surcoat Burnished Dunlending Gauntlets
Ornamented Dunlending Surcoat Burnished Gauntlets of the Dunland Warlord
Ornate Surcoat of the Dunland Swordsman Brud-durnvol
Nenham Rider's Polished Gauntlets
Scarred Surcoat of the Pren Gwydh Warrior
Burnished Dunlending Chain Boots
Engraved Iron Boots
Ornamented Dunlending Boots


This set has been featured in the LOTRO Store as the Uniform of the Border Scout.

Head Shoulders
Rhagor-helm Braigranc
Scorched Ox-hide Helmet Cae-palvais
Scout's Weathered Leather Helmet Reinforced Leather Dunlending Shoulder-guards
Rider's Studded Helmet Rider's Shoulder-guards
Scorched Ox-hide Shoulderpads
Upperbody Gloves
Giard-crus Dolen-lhaw
Nightshade Jacket Reinforced Leather Dunlending Gauntlets
Rider's Sturdy Waistcoat Scorched Ox-hide Gauntlets
Scout's Weathered Leather Jacket Rider's Studded Gauntlets
Trapper's Leather Jacket Sturdy Leather Gauntlets
Nightshade Boots
Scout's Weathered Leather Boots


This set has been featured in the LOTRO Store as the Regalia of the High Ambassador.

Head Shoulders
Angolharn Dunland Caretaker's Patched Mantle
Dunland Caretaker's Patched Hat Embroidered Mantle of the Dunland Healer
Embroidered Hood of the Dunland Healer Shoulderpads of the Learned Stag
Hat of the Learned Stag Traveller's Road-worn Mantle
Traveller's Road-worn Hood
Upperbody Gloves
Noble's Woolen Robe Dunland Caretaker's Patched Bracers
Robe of Countless Stars Leather Bracers of the Gentle Stag
Robe of the Learned Stag Leather Bracers of the Learned Stag
Tattered Robe of the Dunland Sage Traveller's Road-worn Bracers
Embroidered Shoes of the Dunland Healer
Noble's Woolen Shoes
Padded Shoes of the Dunland Soothsayer
Shoes of the Learned Stag
Tattered Shoes of the Dunland Sage


Head Shoulders
Elegant Silk Hat Disused Mantle of the Dunland Soothsayer
Threadbare Hat of the Dunland Healer Nestadbellas
Storyteller's Fur-lined Mantle
Upperbody Gloves
Disused Robe of the Dunland Soothsayer Elegant Silk Gloves
Rune-stitched Dunlending Robe Storyteller's Fur-lined Gloves
Rider's Silken Shirt
Legs Boots
Rune-stitched Dunlending Leggings Angoldal
Threadbare Leggings of the Dunland Healer Disused Boots of the Dunland Soothsayer
Embroidered Silk Boots
Rune-stitched Dunlending Boots


This set (sans hat) has been featured in the LOTRO Store as the Harad Expeditionary Set.

Head Shoulders
Noble's Woolen Hood Authranc
Padded Hat of the Dunland Soothsayer Elegant Silk Mantle
Rider's Woolen Hat Noble's Woolen Mantle
Padded Mantle of the Dunland Soothsayer
Upperbody Gloves
Angolham Angolgam
Clanweave Robe Dunlending's Gloves of Confrontation
Embroidered Silk Jacket Padded Gloves of the Dunland Soothsayer
Legs Boots
Clanweave Leggings Clanweave Boots
Starkmoor Caretaker's Leggings Elegant Silk Boots
Threadbare Boots of the Dunland Healer


This set has been featured on Middle Earth mannequins as the Set of the Aiwenor.

Head Shoulders
Barnavon Hunter's Cured Helmet Dolen-palvais
Reinforced Leather Dunlending Helm Dunlending's Shoulderpad of Battle
Rider's Sturdy Helm Rosranc
Trapper's Leather Helmet Scout's Weathered Leather Shoulder-guards
Upperbody Gloves
Boar Clansman Sentry's Jacket Boar Clansman Sentry's Gauntlets
Celecham Barnavon Hunter's Cured Gauntlets
Dunlending's Hunting Jacket Hyrde-folme
Reinforced Leather Dunlending Jacket Scout's Weathered Leather Gloves
Woodsman's Supple Jacket Trapper's Leather Gloves
Boar Clansman Sentry's Boots
Boar-Hide Boots
Reinforced Leather Dunlending Boots


Additional Resources

LOTRO Stylist: A Cosmetic Guide To The ROI Quest Rewards