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  • 30.2m Range
  • Fast
  • Melee Skill
  • Radius: 30m
  • Skill Type: Buff, Heal
  • Boosts your defences and heals nearby allies.
  • Heals ... Morale initially.
    Heals ... Morale every 3.0 seconds for 9 seconds.
  • Transfers a moderate amount of Threat from each member of the Fellowship to the Warden and Heals them over time.
  • +[8400 at Level 150] Tactical Mitigation
    +[11400 at Level 150] Evade Rating
  • Duration: 1m
  • Cost: [1,210 at Level 150] Power
  • Requires:
  • Clears All Gambits
  • Cooldown: 0.8s

General Information

Class: Warden

Level: 43


This skill is a Gambit, meaning that it requires a certain combination of builders, is activated by using the skill  Gambit Default, and upon use, resets the Gambit Panel.

Using this skill applies  Strength of Conviction to the Warden and  Conviction to all friendly targets within 30m.

Trait Interactions

Determination trait tree

  • Specialization in the Determination trait tree increases the healing done by this skill by 25%.
  • The trait  Indefatigable increases the healing done by this skill by up to 20%.

Assailment trait tree

Tracery Interactions

Armour Set Interactions

Equipping both pieces of the Insignia of the Caravan Warden jewellery set acquired from the Legacy of Morgoth Instance Cluster increases the threat transfer of this skill by 30%, and the healing by 25%.

Stats Table (sampling various levels)

Character Level Tactical Mitigation[1] Evade Rating[1]
Non-traited +2% +4% +6% +8% +10% Non-traited +2% +4% +6% +8% +10%
1 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10
25 43 44 45 46 46 47 46 47 48 49 50 51
50 81 83 84 86 87 89 84 86 87 89 91 92
60 120 122 125 127 130 132 126 129 131 134 136 139
65 159 162 165 169 172 175 168 171 175 178 181 185
75 240 245 250 254 259 264 252 257 262 267 272 277
85 360 367 374 382 389 396 378 386 393 401 408 416
95 519 529 540 550 561 571 546 557 568 579 590 601
100 725 740 754 769 783 798 761 776 791 807 822 837
105 965 984 1004 1023 1042 1062 1020 1040 1061 1081 1102 1122
106 1013 1033 1053 1073 1094 1114 1070 1091 1113 1134 1156 1177
115 1440 1469 1498 1526 1555 1584 1520 1550 1581 1611 1642 1672
116 1508 1538 1568 1598 1629 1659 1594 1626 1658 1690 1722 1753
120 1780 1816 1851 1887 1922 1958 1890 1928 1966 2003 2041 2079
121 1876 1914 1951 1989 2026 2064 1987 2027 2066 2106 2146 2186
130 2740 2795 2850 2904 2959 3014 2860 2917 2974 3032 3089 3146
131 3120 3182 3245 3307 3370 3432 3280 3346 3411 3477 3542 3608
140 5430 5539 5647 5756 5864 5973 5720 5834 5949 6063 6178 6292
141 5510 5620 5730 5841 5951 6061 6700 6834 6968 7102 7236 7370
150 8400 8568 8736 8904 9072 9240 11400 11628 11856 12084 12312 12540
  1. a b With and without ranks in  Movement Training.