Category talk:Where the Shadows Lie Quests

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duplicate to category: The Black Book of Mordor

Currently there are two Mordor (Vol 1) quest categories: this one (Where the Shadows Lie Quests) and 'Category:The Black Book of Mordor'. The quest list in-game shows the latter (The Black Book of Mordor) as header, and epic quests before seemed to be grouped by that title. But the one quest page that exists at the moment uses this category (or 'quest chain'). So, which one to use? I would prefer the one like in-game, but are reluctant to drop someone else's page.

Do we have any hint if there will be any additional volumes of the Black Book?

Update: To be precise, to follow the manual and the in-game names the category would be 'Category: The Black Book of Mordor Quests'. Chirp (talk) 17:32, 6 August 2017 (UTC)